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Alex Glen edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 12 revisions

Branch Standards:

When you are naming branches you need to start them with the corresponding area you are working on. (e.g. dev, FE/xxx, BE/xxx, API/xxx) For example; API/first-epic-commit

For documentation changes, use the DOC/xxx prefix, these aren't automatically checked since they don't need to be.

Commit Standards:

We are going to be following, the conventional commits (, check the link for a full summary.

<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer]

* type references the what kind of commit is being performed. All references are - fix:, docs:, feat:, chore:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:, test:, improvement: 
* optional scope refers the area of project which is being developed. e.g. feat(lang): added polish language
* description refers to a short description of the committ

E.g. feat(api): added ATMs to map.

PR Standards:

When sending a pull request you need to have the issue number within the PR. You MUST put the issue request number within the PR description, otherwise the YAML file will reject the PR.

Issue Standards:

When creating issues we can use the "Issue Template" then we want to add a step-by-step guide. We then link any relevant issues that relate to issue/user story.

When creating an new issue you need to:

  1. Use the issue template and fill out its description.
  2. Assign the correct pairs to the issue.
  3. Label the issue with the correct tags (e.g. front-end, back-end, Dev-Ops, etc)
  4. Assign the correct milestone to the issue.
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