This is my first discord bot, therefore be wary of any issues that may arise from my code. Also, be sure to let me know about those issues.
Zodiac Discord Bot is used for mainly moderation. Its current features are as follows:
Moderation Commands | Explanation |
Ban | Bans mentioned user and gives a report to the report channel. |
Kick | Kicks mentioned user and gives a report to the report channel. |
Lock | Locks & unlocks the channel to only read-only, Only those who have staff role are allowed to type. |
Poll | Starts a poll with two options with @everyone . |
Add Role | Adds mentioned role to mentioned user if not assigned. |
Remove Role | Removes mentioned role from a mentioned user. |
Ticket System | A way to contact @Staff users. Provides a channel where the issue can be discussed. |
Clear | Clears x number of messages in the channel. |
Mute & Unmute | Mutes mentioned user if not muted. Unmute mentioned user if muted. |
Announcement | Makes an announcement in the channel mentioned with a @everyone . |
The process of installing and hosting the bot is simple.
Please make sure you have the required Dependencies installed, npm install
to install any that you do not have.
Clone the repo into a new folder, and open command line and type npm install.
Fill out the credentials in config.json.
Run the command line inside the folder and type the following command: node main.js