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This repository contains the Scala code for an Apache Spark job to create an Elasticsearch index from the AddressBase premium product.

For testing purposes there is a free AddressBase Premium sample available from Ordnance Survey. You will be required to register with OS and abide by the Data Exploration Licence

Input Data

The data used by ONS to build the Elasticsearch indices is produced as follows:

Every 6 weeks we receive a set of AddressBase ‘Change Only Update’ (COU) files (the latest ‘Epoch’), which are applied to our previous existing AddressBase master tables to produce ‘full’ tables for the latest Epoch. We run a script against the updated AddressBase data to produce an additional Hierarchy table.

The spark job will run without a real Hierarchy table (the dummy one in the unit tests will suffice) but the "relatives" information will be blank on every document. This won't affect the automated matching process, rather the structure of hierarchical addresses helps with clerical resolution.

The job also has some additional input for the IDS service. This is a lookup between UPRN and AddressEntryId, the link key used internally with IDS and RDMF.

Again the dummy file will suffice to allow the job to complete, with the AddressEntryId field left blank on all records.

Note that earlier versions of the spark job had an option to include data from NISRA, but ONS now uses AddressBase Islands for full UK coverage.

The full indices are around 70GB in size and the skinny ones 40GB.

Output Data

There are four different indices that can be output: Full historic, Full non-historic, Skinny historic and Skinny non-historic, controlled by two input parameters to the Spark job (--skinny and --hybridNoHist).

The skinny index was developed to speed up the typeahead function for the 2021 Census. Bulk matching is always done using the full data.

As for historical entries, these are currently limited to those that ship with the latest Epoch. Our RDMF system has the ability to act as a "time machine" back to Epoch 39, but this is not currently implemented in AIMS.

Software and Versions

  • Java 11
  • SBT 1.5.5
  • Scala 2.12.14
  • Apache Spark 3.1.2
  • Elasticsearch 7.17.1
  • Elasticsearch-spark-30 7.12.0
  • Versions compatible with Google Dataproc v2.0

Development Setup (IntelliJ)

  • File, New, Project From Version Control, GitHub
  • Git Repository URL - select
  • Parent Directory: any local drive, typically your IdeaProjects directory
  • Directory Name: address-index-data
  • Clone


To package the project in a runnable fat-jar: In build.sbt set the variable localTarget to true (if set to false the output will be a thin jar intended to run on platforms with Spark preloaded such as Cloudera and Google Dataproc). From the root of the project

sbt clean assembly

The resulting jar will be located in batch/target/scala-2.12/ons-ai-batch-assembly-version.jar

To run the jar:

java -Dconfig.file=application.conf -jar batch/target/scala-2.12/ons-ai-batch-assembly-version.jar

The target Elasticsearch index can be on a local ES deployment or an external server (configurable) The application.conf file may contain:


These will override the default configuration. The location and names of the input files can also be overridden. Note that these input files are extracted from AddressBase and subject to some pre-processing. For Dataproc runs the input files are stored in gs:// buckets

Other settings from the reference.conf can be overridden, e.g. for a cluster mode execution set


The job can also be run from inside IntelliJ. In this case you can run the Main class directly but need to comment out lines 48-59 and uncomment the lines that follow:

val indexName = generateIndexName(historical=true, skinny=true, nisra=true)
val url = s"http://$nodes:$port/$indexName"
postMapping(indexName, skinny=true)
saveHybridAddresses(historical=true, skinny=true)

where the first boolean is for a historic index, second for a skinny index. Note that you can also hard-code the index name, and you also need to ensure that the variable localTarget is set to true in build.sbt

Running Tests

Before you can run tests on this project if using Windows you must

  • Install the 64-bit version of winutils.exe
  • save it on your local system in a bin directory e.g. c:\hadoop\bin
  • create environment variables HADOOP_HOME = c:\hadoop and hadoop.home.dir = c:\hadoop\bin
  • Update Path to add %HADOOP_HOME%\bin
  • Make temp directory writeable, on command line: winutils chmod 777 C:\tmp\hive (or other location of hive directory)
  • Now in IntelliJ you can mark the test directory (right-click, Mark Directory as, Test Resources Root).

Then next time you right-click the green arrow "Run ScalaTests" should be shown.

Note that you can't run the tests using sbt on the command line.


Top level project dependencies may be found in the build.sbt file.