This repo is the front end of our OOAD project, SUSTech store, in 2021 autumn in SUSTech. Back-end repo please visit CS309-SUSTech-Store-Backend.
Teammates | Contributions |
Ruihao Zhang (ObsisMc) | Team Leader; UI Design; Main Pages; Trading & Errand System |
Zichen Xu (0d00) | Chat System; User Profile Pages; Product & Errand System |
Jiewen Liu (ak-maker) | Login & Product Pages; Routing |
The SUSTech store (SUSTech online flea market) is for students to trade things like second-hand items, books, etc. The store also has errand function so that students can spend money to ask others to fetch something.
Front end | Back end |
Vue; axios; Element-UI | Spring Boot; Mysql; Redis; Swagger |
Please see CS309-SUSTech-Store-Backend.
Pay attention: We use storage server of Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd.. Due to expiration of the server, the website cannot show any pictures.
Pay attention: modify store.state.database
in sustechstore/src/store/store.js
to set url of your back end.
# get into project root directory
cd ./sustechstore
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e
# run all tests
npm test
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.
# particles effect
npm install vue-particles
# in main.js
import VueParticles from 'vue-particles'
# in index.html
<script type="text/javascript" src="./static/live2d/L2Dwidget.min.js"></script>
# less & less-loader
npm install less-loader@5.0.0 -s
# in main.js
import less from 'less';
# baiduMap
npm install vue-baidu-map --save
# in main.js
import BaiduMap from 'vue-baidu-map';
Due to expiration of the server, the website cannot show any pictures.
The whole picture:
Products can be searched by several attributes:
- Categories: study, food, electronic device and living
- Product type: a product is to be sold or is wanted
- Rating: the rating of a product's owner
- Price range: price of a product should be in this range
Users can upload their things:
They can trade things using virtual currency. The following demo shows a trading process, which contains several steps:
- The buyer places an order and pays the money, then wait the seller to deliver the goods.
- The seller delivers the goods and then click the button to confirm the delivery.
- If the buyer get the goods, he/she click the button to confirm the arrival of the goods.
The project has real-time chat function:
It's similar to ordinary commodity trading and the difference is that it uses third-party APIs (Baidu Maps) to implement the positioning function.
Main page:
Upload a errand task: