SellorBuyKe is an open-source ecommerce and social media app built using Laravel, Vue.js, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
SellorbuyKe is an app that attempts to open source the ability to connect to an online audience, primarily to small business owners. Small scale retailers from different lines of business can create an online shop, upload their products, and advertise to a wider online audience, for free.
Our aim is to eliminate brick and mortar costs by providing sellers with the ability to sell from anywhere, anytime, and customers can connect to retailers in their location around the clock, ulimately raising consumer satisfaction, by enhancing service delivery through solving issues such as last mile delivery and customer experience.
Here is a test version of the application: (
- PHP 7.3+
- Laravel 5.5+
Fork the repository
Clone the forked repository using:
git clone
- Install composer
Composer Install
- Composer will install all the dependencies
- Edit the env file to ensure that Database connection is set to sqlite
- If you are a pc user, install vim from (, and set up the local database using:
vim database/database.sqlite
- Finally run
php artisan migrate --seed
To set up the migrations and seed database.
- You might also want to run
php artisan storage:link
To set up a symbolic link between public storage and local storage.
- For Windows users:
Go to php folder in xampp and open the php.ini and php configurations settings file, and change the line ;extension=gd2 or the line ;extension=gd to just extension=gd2
NB that php version 8 is stored as ;extension=gd
Linux/ Mac users:
sudo apt-get install php8.1-gd
Depending on the php installation
The app should now be ready to go!⚡
Read the contributing.mdOlePundit |