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The steps taken to calculate a Parliamentary Attendance Rating (PAR) Score for ranking members of parliament (MPs) according to their attendance across portfolio committee meetings. |
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We have the following data for MP attendance at portfolio committee meetings throughout the year:
- Column A = id — Unique number assigned to each MP (e.g., 1423)
- Column B = member_name — Surname and initials of an MP (e.g., Hendricks, Mr MGE)
- Column C = party_name — Political party an MP is representing (e.g., Al Jama-ah)
- Column D = date_created — Date a portfolio committee meeting took place (e.g., 06/02/2024)
- Column E = year — Year a portfolio committee meeting took place (e.g., 2024)
- Column F = attendance — Attendance of an MP at a portfolio committee meeting (e.g., Absent)
- Column G = committee_meeting — The Portfolio Committee meeting (e.g., International Relations)
We want to be able to rank MPs based on their attendance across all portfolio committee meetings throughout a year, taking into account the total number of portfolio committees they are subscribed to for that year. To do this, we need to extract the following from the data we have:
- No. of times an MP was Absent for meetings throughout a year.
- No. of times an MP was Absent with Apologies for meetings throughout a year.
- No. of times an MP Arrived Late for meetings throughout a year.
- No. of times an MP Arrived Late & Departed Early from meetings throughout a year.
- No. of times an MP Departed Early from meetings throughout a year.
- No. of times an MP was Present for meetings throughout a year.
- No. of Unique Portfolio Committees an MP is subscribed to throughout a year.
- Average no. of Unique Portfolio Committees per MP throughout a year.
In addition to extracting the data points above, we assign weightings to the different types of attendance, as follows:
- 0.0 for Absent
- 0.25 for Absent with Apologies
- 0.75 for Arrived Late
- 0.5 for Arrived Late & Departed Early
- 0.75 for Departed Early
- 1.0 for Present
Below are the steps for extracting each of the numbered bullet points above, and calculating a Parliamentary Attendance Rating (PAR) score for each MP in a given year.
NOTE: These steps apply to Google Sheets.
Assuming our first row is a header row, we use the following formula in cell H2:
{% hint style="info" %} =COUNTIFS(B:B, B2, E:E, E2, F:F, "Absent") {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
- Column F = attendance
We drag this formula down Column H, and label it absent_count.
Assuming our first row is a header row, we use the following formula in cell I2:
{% hint style="info" %} =COUNTIFS(B:B, B2, E:E, E2, F:F, "Absent with Apologies") {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
- Column F = attendance
We drag this formula down Column I, and label it absent_with_apologies_count.
Assuming our first row is a header row, we use the following formula in cell J2:
{% hint style="info" %} =COUNTIFS(B:B, B2, E:E, E2, F:F, "Arrived Late") {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
- Column F = attendance
We drag this formula down Column J, and label it arrived_late_count.
Assuming our first row is a header row, we use the following formula in cell K2:
{% hint style="info" %} =COUNTIFS(B:B, B2, E:E, E2, F:F, "Arrived Late & Departed Early") {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
- Column F = attendance
We drag this formula down Column K, and label it arrived_late_departed_early_count.
Assuming our first row is a header row, we use the following formula in cell L2:
{% hint style="info" %} =COUNTIFS(B:B, B2, E:E, E2, F:F, "Departed Early") {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
- Column F = attendance
We drag this formula down Column L, and label it departed_early_count.
Assuming our first row is a header row, we use the following formula in cell M2:
{% hint style="info" %} =COUNTIFS(B:B, B2, E:E, E2, F:F, "Present") {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
- Column F = attendance
We drag this formula down Column M, and label it present_count.
With the attendance data extracted, and the weightings assigned earlier, we can calculate a Weighted Attendance Score per MP, for a given year, using the following formula in cell N2:
{% hint style="info" %} =(H20)+(I20.25)+(J20.75)+(K20.5)+(L20.75)+(M21) {% endhint %}
- Column H = absent_count
- Column I = absent_with_apologies_count
- Column J = arrived_late_count
- Column K = arrived_late_departed_early_count
- Column L = departed_early_count
- Column M = present_count
We drag this formula down Column N, and label it weighted_attendance_score.
To extract the number of unique portfolio committees an MP is subscribed to throughout a year, we first need to create a ‘helper’ column. We do this using the following formula in cell O2:
{% hint style="info" %} =UNIQUE(B2:B & “-” & E2:E) {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
We drag this formula down Column O, and label it helper_column.
This creates a unique combination of member_name and year in Column O. We can use this unique combination to extract the number of unique portfolio committees a member is subscribed to for a given year, using the following formula in cell P2:
{% hint style="info" %} =COUNTA(UNIQUE(FILTER(G2:G, B2:B & “-” & E2:E = O2))) {% endhint %}
- Column B = member_name
- Column E = year
- Column G = committee_meeting
We drag this formula down Column P, and label it unique_committee_count_per_member_for_year.
Calculate the average number of portfolio committees per MP for a year using the following formula in cell Q2:
{% hint style="info" %} =AVERAGEIFS(P:P, E:E, E2) {% endhint %}
- Column E = year
- Column P = unique_committee_count_per_member_for_year
We drag this formula down Column Q, and label it average_unique_committee_count_per_member_for_year.
Before we can calculate PAR scores, we have to adjust the weighted_attendance_score so that it accounts for the number of unique portfolio committees an MP subscribes to throughout a year. To do this, we use the following formula in cell R2:
{% hint style="info" %} =N2*(1+(P2/Q2)) {% endhint %}
- Column N = weighted_attendance_score
- Column P = unique_committee_count_per_member_for_year
- Column Q = average_unique_committee_count_per_member_for_year
We drag this formula down Column R, and label it score_adjusted_for_committees_per_member_for_year.
Next, we want normalise the score_adjusted_for_committees_per_member_for_year to a value of one (1), using the maximum value, for each year, from Column R. Assuming we a header row, we use the following formulae in cell S2:
{% hint style="info" %} =MAXIFS(R:R, E:E, E2) {% endhint %}
- Column E = year
- Column R = score_adjusted_for_committees_per_member_for_year
We drag this formula down Column S, and label it max_for_year. We can now normalise the values in Column R (score_adjusted_for_committees_per_member_for_year) using the following formula in cell T2:
{% hint style="info" %} =R2/S2 {% endhint %}
- Column R = score_adjusted_for_committees_per_member_for_year
- Column S = max_for_year
We drag this formula down Column T, and label it par_rating_for_year.
We now have a Parliamentary Attendance Rating (PAR) for each MP, which takes into account their attendance across all portfolio committee meetings, and the number of unique portfolio committees they are subscribed to, through a given year.