A bookmarklet to create tags by reformatting Wikipedia article titles to a generic tagging format: removing punctuation and spacing, capitalising intitial letters. Also offers copying to the clipboard. Designed as a possible solution to a specific case but could be applicable elsewhere.
To install the bookmarklet, add the following code into the URL or Location section of a new bookmark:
javascript:(function() { var articleTitleElementList = document.getElementsByTagName("h1"); var articleTitleElement = articleTitleElementList[0]; var articleTitle = articleTitleElement.textContent; var originalArticleTitle = articleTitle; articleTitle = articleTitle.replace(/[,.\/<>?\\|;'#:@~\[\]{}!"£$%^&*()\-=_+¬]/g,""); while (articleTitle.match(/ ./)) { var spaceHit = articleTitle.match(/ ./g)[0]; spaceHit = spaceHit.toUpperCase(); spaceHit = spaceHit.replace(" ",""); articleTitle = articleTitle.replace(/ ./,spaceHit); } articleTitle = "#" + articleTitle; if (window.confirm(articleTitle + "\n\n(Click OK to copy to the clipboard)")) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(articleTitle); } else { } })();
To use the bookmarklet:
- Navigate to a Wikipedia page.
- Click on the bookmarklet on the your bookmarks toolbar. The tag will be displayed in a pop-up with a # sign.
- If you want to copy the tag to the clipboard, click on OK.