Module for Orbital Shell
Add custom text to the prompt of console showing the status of git repositories if the current directory is above a repository folder
install into the shell:
> module -i prompt-git-info
> prompt-info -e false
> prompt-info -e true
up to date
worktree changed
index changed
behind + behind message
ahead/behind + behind message
no repo
variable | type | value |
isEnabled | bool | true |
isEnabledGetRemoteStatus | bool | true |
runInBackgroundTask | bool | false |
infoBackgroundColor | string | \e[48;5;237 |
modifiedTextTemplate | string | %bgColor%(f=white) %repoName% ├ %branch% %sepSymbol%%errorMessage%\e[48;5;237m+%indexAdded% ~%indexChanges% -%indexDeleted% | ~%worktreeChanges% -%worktreeDeleted% ?%untracked%(rdc |
behindTextTemplate | string | %bgColor%(f=white) %repoName% ├ %branch% %sepSymbol%%errorMessage%\e[48;5;237m+%indexAdded% ~%indexChanges% -%indexDeleted% | ~%worktreeChanges% -%worktreeDeleted% ?%untracked% (b=darkred)↓%behind%%behindMessage%(rdc) |
aheadBehindTextTemplate | string | %bgColor%(f=white) %repoName% ├ %branch% %sepSymbol%%errorMessage%\e[48;5;237m+%indexAdded% ~%indexChanges% -%indexDeleted% | ~%worktreeChanges% -%worktreeDeleted% ?%untracked% \e[48;5;136m↑%ahead%(b=darkred)↓%behind%%behindMessage%(rdc) |
aheadTextTemplate | string | %bgColor%(f=white) %repoName% ├ %branch% %sepSymbol%%errorMessage%\e[48;5;237m+%indexAdded% ~%indexChanges% -%indexDeleted% | ~%worktreeChanges% -%worktreeDeleted% ?%untracked% \e[48;5;136m↑%ahead%(rdc) |
noDataTextTemplate | string | %bgColor%(f=white) %repoName% ├ %branch% %errorMessage%(rdc) |
templateNoRepository | string | (b=darkblue)(f=white) » %errorMessage%(rdc) |
behindBackgroundColor | string | (b=darkred) |
aheadBackgroundColor | string | \e[48;5;136m |
upToDateBackgroundColor | string | \e[48;5;22m |
modifiedBackgroundColor | string | \e[48;5;130m |
modifiedUntrackedBackgroundColor | string | \e[48;5;166m |
unknownBackgroundColor | string | (b=darkblue) |
change behin background color, for example within user .profile script :
set (b=magenta)
- infoColor
- behindColor
- aheadColor
- unknownBackgroundColor
- bgColor
- branch
- errorMessage
- indexAdded
- indexChanges
- indexDeleted
- worktreeChanges
- worktreeAdded
- worktreeDeleted
- untracked
- repoName
- behind
- ahead
- sepSymbol
- behindMessage
Orbital Shell is a multi-plateform (windows, linux, macos, arm) command shell, inspired by bash and POSIX recommendations. It provides any usual bash shell feature (even if modernized) and nice syntaxes and features allowing to interact (get/set/call members) with C# objects. Developed using C# 8, .NET Core 3.1/Net 5 and .NET Standard 2.1