A simple python tool for scraping data from the twitter accounts you follow.
The purpose of this python script is to look for tweets, from your followers, that contain links to articles. The link gets saved to a text file and emailed to you. The text file of links also works to keep track of what has been found before, so you won't recieve the same link twice in your inbox. This means the python script is great to run as a cron job.
You will need to have a twitter account with API access configured. The script is currently setup to send emails from a gmail account (because they are free and easy to setup), you can send from other emails but you will need to change the email server and possibly the email port.
You will also need 2 additional files in the same folder as the python script:
API_Tokens.txt, This needs to be a comma seperated list (containing your data):
Email_UserPass.txt, This needs to be a comma seperated list (containing your data):
Import list:
import smtplib, ssl
import twitter #pip install python-twitter
import time
import numpy as np