Co-working is a Pallet library designed to launch a server on a cloud provider of your choosing.
The server can be optionally configured for shared development in multiple language environments.
Currently leiningen 1 is required.
###Clone the library
git clone
cd co-working
###Get dependencies with leiningen
lein deps
###Configure provider access credentials.
lein pallet add-service aws aws-ec2 "your-aws-key" "your-aws-secret-key"
Note that this creates a ~/.pallet/services/aws.clj file with your credentials in it.
The second argument above is the name of the jclouds provider, which is cloud specific. To find the value for other clouds, you can list the supported providers with:
lein pallet providers
###Prepare the REPL
lein repl
(use 'co-working.core) (in-ns 'co-working.core)
###Launch a node
(def cap (core/converge {co-worker-cs 1} :compute aws-srvc))
###Destroy all running nodes
(def cap (core/converge {co-worker-cs 0} :compute aws-srvc))
Copyright © 2012 PHLCLJ, Hunter Hutchinson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.