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DMS Analysis Manager

The DMS Analysis Tool Manager is a part of PRISM, the Proteomics Research Information and Management System. The analysis manager performs automated processing of available job steps, tracked by the in the DMS_Pipeline database. Plugin DLLs implement the processing details for each analysis tool.


DMS Pipeline Step Tool Description Plugin Folder Plugin DLL
APE Runs workflows to filter and aggregate data AM_Ape_PlugIn AnalysisManager_Ape_PlugIn.dll
AScore Calculates phosphoproteomics FDR for datasets and aggregates the results AM_AScore_PlugIn AnalysisManager_AScore_PlugIn.dll
Bruker_DA_Export Creates XML files from Bruker .D folders AM_Bruker_DA_Export AnalysisManagerBrukerDAExportPlugin.dll
Cyclops Performs various statistical analysis AM_Cyclops_PlugIn AnalysisManager_Cyclops_PlugIn.dll
DataExtractor Creates loadable peptide ID file and first hits file AM_Extraction_PlugIn AnalysisManagerExtractionPlugin.dll
DataImport Copies data files from an external source into an analysis job folder AM_DataImport_Plugin AnalysisManagerDataImportPlugIn.dll
Decon2LS Uses Decon2LS to deisotope spectra AM_Decon2ls_PlugIn (obsolete)
Decon2LS_V2 Uses Decon2LS AutoProcessor to deisotope spectra (supports IMS data and RAPID) AM_Decon2ls_PlugIn_Decon2LSV2 AnalysisManagerDecon2lsV2PlugIn.dll
DeconPeakDetector Detects peaks in mass spectra using the DeconTools peak finder or the Hammer peak finder AM_DeconPeakDetector_PlugIn AnalysisManagerDeconPeakDetectorPlugIn.dll
DTA_Gen Creates DTA files according to values in settings file AM_DTASpectraFileGen_PlugIn DTASpectraFileGen.dll
DTA_Import Imports manually generated DTA files AM_DTA_Import_PlugIn AnalysisManagerDtaImportPlugIn.dll
DTA_Refinery Reads DTA files (typically created by DeconMSn), then refines the parent mass for each spectrum using and X!Tandem search AM_DtaRefinery_PlugIn AnalysisManagerDtaRefineryPlugIn.dll
DTA_Split Splits DTA files created by DTAGen AM_DTA_Split_PlugIn AnalysisManagerDtaSplitPlugIn.dll
GlyQ_IQ Searches a dataset for signatures of glycans using GlyQ-IQ AM_GlyQIQ_Plugin AnalysisManagerGlyQIQPlugin.dll
ICR2LS Uses ICR-2LS to deisotope spectra for Bruker datasets AM_ICR2LS_PlugIn AnalysisManagerICR2LSPlugIn.dll (obsolete)
IDM Tool for calculating interference within isolation window AM_IDM_Plugin AnalysisManager_IDM_Plugin.dll
IDPicker Runs IDPicker AM_IDPicker_PlugIn AnalysisManagerIDPickerPlugIn.dll
Inspect Identify peptides by searching protein collection AM_InSpecT_PlugIn AnalysisManagerInSpecTPlugIn.dll
InspectResultsAssembly Combines peptide search result files generated by running Inspect in parallel AM_InspectResultsAssembly_PlugIn AnalysisManagerInspResultsAssemblyPlugIn.dll
LCMSFeatureFinder Groups deisotoped data from Decon2LS to form LC-MS Features AM_LCMSFeatureFinder_Plugin AnalysisManagerLCMSFeatureFinderPlugIn.dll
LipidMapSearch Searches a single dataset or a pair of datasets (positive mode and negative mode) against the Lipid Maps database AM_LipidMapSearch_Plugin AnalysisManagerLipidMapSearchPlugIn.dll
Mage Performs various types of data extraction AM_Mage_PlugIn AnalysisManager_Mage_PlugIn.dll
MASIC_Finnigan Run MASIC on Thermo .Raw files AM_Masic_Plugin AnalysisManagerMasicPlugin.dll
MODa Runs MODa AM_MODa_PlugIn AnalysisManagerMODaPlugIn.dll
MODPlus Runs MODPlus AM_MODPlus_Plugin AnalysisManagerMODPlusPlugin.dll
MSAlign Searches MSAlign result files for peptides AM_MSAlign_Plugin AnalysisManagerMSAlignPlugIn.dll
MSAlign_Histone Searches MSAlign result files for histone peptides AM_MSAlign_Histone_Plugin AnalysisManagerMSAlignHistonePlugIn.dll
MSAlign_Quant Quantifies MSAlign results AM_MSAlign_Quant_Plugin AnalysisManagerMSAlignQuantPlugIn.dll
MSClusterDTAtoDAT Produce an MSCluster-compatible DAT file from an existing DTA AM_MSClusterDTAtoDAT_PlugIn (obsolete)
MSDeconv Deisotopes peptides with charge 4+ or higher; intended for top-down or middle-down datasets AM_MSDeconv_Plugin AnalysisManagerMSDeconvPlugIn.dll
MSGF Runs MSGF, aka the MS-GeneratingFunction AM_MSGF_PlugIn AnalysisManagerMSGFPlugin.dll
MSGFPlus Runs MSGF+ AM_MSGFDB_PlugIn AnalysisManagerMSGFDBPlugIn.dll
MSGFPlus_IMS Processes IMS MSn data with MSGFDB_IMS; requires a DeconTools job as import AM_MSGFDB_IMS_Plugin (obsolete)
MSMSSpectraPreprocessor Produce modified DTA by filtering existing DTA AM_MSMSSpectrumFilter_PlugIn MSMSSpectrumFilterAM.dll
MSPathFinder Searches top down datasets for proteins AM_MSPathFinder_Plugin AnalysisManagerMSPathFinderPlugIn.dll
MSXML_Bruker Creates mzXML or mzML files from Bruker .D folders using CompassXtract AM_MSXML_Bruker_PlugIn AnalysisManagerMsXmlBrukerPlugIn.dll
MSXML_Gen Creates mzXML or mzML files from .Raw files AM_MSXML_Gen_PlugIn AnalysisManagerMsXmlGenPlugIn.dll
MultiAlign Matches LCMSFeatureFinder results across datasets and/or to an AMT tag database AM_MultiAlign_Plugin AnalysisManagerMultiAlignPlugIn.dll (obsolete)
MultiAlign_Aggregator Matches LCMSFeatureFinder results across datasets and/or to an AMT tag database AM_MultiAlign_Aggregator_PlugIn AnalysisManagerMultiAlign_AggregatorPlugIn.dll (obsolete)
Mz_Refinery Updates the m/z values in a .mzML file based on the results from a MSGF+ search AM_Mz_Refinery_Plugin AnalysisManagerMzRefineryPlugIn.dll
mzXML_Aggregator Extracts mzXML results from multiple mzXML jobs and aggregates the result AM_PRIDE_MzXML_PlugIn AnalysisManagerPRIDEMzXMLPlugIn.dll (obsolete)
NOMSI Process XML files created by Bruker_DA_Export AM_NOMSI AnalysisManagerNOMSIPlugin.dll
OMSSA Runs OMSSA AM_OMSSA_PlugIn AnalysisManagerOMSSAPlugIn.dll
PBF_Gen Creates PBF (PNNL Binary Format) files; if a new .Exe results in a different file format, increment PbfFormatVersion in MSPF_TopDown_Standard.xml AM_PBFSpectraFileGen_PlugIn AnalysisManagerPBFGenerator.dll
Phospho_FDR_Aggregator Calculates phosphoproteomics FDR for datasets and aggregates the results AM_Phospho_FDR_Aggregator_PlugIn AnalysisManagerPhospho_FDR_AggregatorPlugIn.dll
PRIDE_Converter Converts Peptide_Hit results (Sequest, X!Tandem, or MSGFDB) to the msgf-pride.xml format AM_PRIDE_Converter_PlugIn AnalysisManagerPRIDEConverterPlugIn.dll
ProMex Deisotopes high resolution spectra in PBF files AM_ProMex_Plugin AnalysisManagerProMexPlugIn.dll
ProSight_Quant Quantifies ProSightPC results AM_ProSightPC_Quant_Plugin AnalysisManagerProSightQuantPlugIn.dll
QC-ART Runs QC-ART; requires R 3.x. AM_QC-ART_PlugIn AnalysisManagerQCARTPlugIn.dll
RepoPkgr Aggregates data and results files from DMS into package that can be uploaded to a public proteomics repository AM_RepoPkgr_PlugIn AnalysisManager_RepoPkgr_PlugIn.dll
Results_Cleanup Looks for Results.db3 files in MAC jobs; deletes all except the one in the final job step AM_ResultsCleanup_PlugIn AnalysisManagerResultsCleanupPlugin.dll
Results_Transfer Moves results folder from Xfer to storage AM_ResultsXfer_PlugIn AnalysisManagerResultsXferPlugin.dll
Sequest Identify peptides by searching protein collection AM_Sequest_PlugIn AnalysisManagerSequestPlugin.dll
SMAQC Runs SMAQC AM_SMAQC_PlugIn AnalysisManagerSMAQCPlugIn.dll
TopFD Runs TopFD AM_TopFD_Plugin AnalysisManagerTopFDPlugIn.dll
TopPIC Runs TopPIC AM_TopPIC_Plugin AnalysisManagerTopPICPlugIn.dll
UIMFtoMassHunter Run UIMFtoMassHunter AM_UIMFtoMassHunter_Plugin AnalysisManagerUIMFtoMassHunterPlugin.dll (unused)
XTandem Identify peptides by searching protein collection AM_XTandem_PlugIn AnalysisManagerXTandemPlugIn.dll
XTandem_HPC Runs XTandem on Chinook high-performance computer AM_XTandemHPC_PlugIn (obsolete)


Written by Matthew Monroe and Dave Clark for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)
E-mail: or
Website: or


The DMS Analysis Manager is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License; you may not use this program except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Copyright 2018 Battelle Memorial Institute