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Merge pull request #79 from m-harrison/refactor/verification
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Changes verification so it is O(P+C) rather than O(P*C)
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PagingMatt authored Jan 6, 2017
2 parents e840dae + 889e413 commit b9cece1
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Showing 7 changed files with 89 additions and 87 deletions.
25 changes: 18 additions & 7 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,11 +131,23 @@ let read_from_cache peer service files s =

open Coding

let path_subsumed vpath rpath =
let vpath' = Core.Std.String.split vpath ~on:'/' in
let rpath' = Core.Std.String.split rpath ~on:'/' in
let rec walker v r =
match v with
| [] -> true
| x::xs ->
match r with
| [] -> false
| y::ys -> x=y && (walker xs ys)
in walker vpath' rpath'

let write_to_cache peer service file_content requests s =
let write_backs = Core.Std.List.filter requests ~f:(fun rf -> rf.write_back) in
let files_to_write_back =
Core.Std.List.filter file_content
~f:(fun (p,c) -> Core.Std.List.exists write_backs (fun rf -> rf.path = p)) in
~f:(fun (p,c) -> Core.Std.List.exists write_backs (fun rf -> path_subsumed rf.path p)) in
Silo.write ~client:s#get_silo_client ~peer ~service ~contents:(`Assoc files_to_write_back)

let get_remote_file_list plaintext =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,9 +177,11 @@ let invalidate_paths_at_peer peer paths service s =
send_retry peer (Printf.sprintf "/peer/inv/%s/%s" ( s#get_address) service) body false s

let invalidate_paths_at_peers paths access_log service s =
let path_peers = paths ~f:(fun path -> path,
(Peer_access_log.find s#get_peer_access_log
~host:s#get_address ~service ~path)) in
let path_peers,pal = Core.Std.List.fold ~init:([],s#get_peer_access_log) paths
~f:(fun (pp,pal') -> fun path ->
let peers,pal'' = (Peer_access_log.delog pal' ~host:s#get_address ~service ~path)
in (path,peers)::pp,pal'') in
s#set_peer_access_log pal;
let peers =
|> Core.Std.List.fold ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc -> fun (_,ps) -> Core.Std.List.append acc ps)
Expand All @@ -177,9 +191,6 @@ let invalidate_paths_at_peers paths access_log service s =
(Core.Std.List.fold path_peers ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc -> fun (path,ps) ->
Core.Std.List.append (if List.exists ps (fun p -> p peer = 0) then [path] else []) acc))) in
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (peer,paths) -> invalidate_paths_at_peer peer paths service s >|= fun _ -> ()) peer_paths
>|= fun () -> s#set_peer_access_log
(Core.Std.List.fold paths ~init:s#get_peer_access_log
~f:(fun pal -> fun path -> Peer_access_log.unlog pal ~host:s#get_address ~service ~path))

module Client = struct
let decrypt_message_from_client ciphertext iv s =
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19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -174,15 +174,22 @@ let find_permissions capability_service requests =
let request_under_verified_path vpaths rpath =
Core.Std.List.fold vpaths ~init:false ~f:(fun acc -> fun vpath -> acc || (vpath_subsumes_request vpath rpath))

(* Because of the API definition a collection of requests is always all reads or all writes *)
let authorise requests capabilities tok key target service =
let key' = Coding.encode_cstruct key in
let verified_capabilities = Core.Std.List.filter capabilities ~f:(verify tok key') in
let locations = verified_capabilities ~f:(M.location) in
let verified_paths = (* The paths below which it is verified the requester has access of at least [tok] *)
( locations ~f:(verify_location target service))
|> Core.Std.List.filter ~f:(fun s -> not(s="")) in
Core.Std.List.filter requests ~f:(request_under_verified_path verified_paths)
let authorised_locations = verified_capabilities ~f:(M.location) in
let path_tree = Core.Std.List.fold ~init:File_tree.empty
~f:(fun tree -> fun element ->
File_tree.insert ~element ~tree
~location:(fun path -> Core.Std.String.split
(Printf.sprintf "%s/%s/%s" ( target) service path) ~on:'/')
~select:(fun p -> fun _ -> p)
~terminate:(fun o -> fun _ -> match o with | Some e -> true | None -> false)) requests in
let (authorised_paths,_) =
Core.Std.List.fold ~init:([],path_tree) ~f:(fun (paths,tree) -> fun loc ->
let content,tree' = File_tree.trim ~tree ~location:(Core.Std.String.split loc ~on:'/')
in (Core.Std.List.unordered_append content paths),tree') authorised_locations in

let serialise_presented_capabilities capabilities =
`Assoc ( capabilities ~f:(fun (p,c) -> (p, `String (M.serialize c))))
Expand Down
75 changes: 35 additions & 40 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,35 +45,6 @@ let shortest_path_match ~tree ~location ~satisfies =
| Some el' as e-> if satisfies el' then e else find ys sub)
in find location tree

let flatten_under ~tree ~location =
let rec flatten tree' =
match tree' with
| Leaf -> []
| Node (name, el, sub, l, r) ->
(match el with
| None -> (flatten sub) @ (flatten l) @ (flatten r)
| Some x -> x :: ((flatten sub) @ (flatten l) @ (flatten r)))
in let rec find path tree' =
match path with
| [] -> []
| x::[] ->
(match tree' with
| Leaf -> []
| Node (name, el, sub, l, r) ->
if name > x then find path l else
if name < x then find path r else
(match el with
| None -> flatten sub
| Some x -> x :: (flatten sub)))
| y::ys ->
match tree' with
| Leaf -> []
| Node (name,el,sub,l,r) ->
if name > y then find path l else
if name < y then find path r else
find ys sub
in find location tree

let rec get_min tree =
match tree with
| Leaf -> Leaf
Expand All @@ -83,26 +54,50 @@ let rec get_min tree =
exception Trim_failed

let trim ~tree ~location =
let rec flatten tree' =
match tree' with
| Leaf -> []
| Node (name, el, sub, l, r) ->
(match el with
| None -> (flatten sub) @ (flatten l) @ (flatten r)
| Some x -> x :: ((flatten sub) @ (flatten l) @ (flatten r))) in
let flat el tree =
match el with
| None -> flatten tree
| Some x -> x :: (flatten tree) in
let rec delete_no_flatten path tree =
match tree with
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Node (name, el, sub, l, r) ->
if name > path then delete_no_flatten path l else
if name < path then delete_no_flatten path r else
if l = Leaf then r else
if r = Leaf then l else
let m = get_min r in
(match m with
| Node (n', e', s', Leaf, _) -> Node (n', e', s', l, delete_no_flatten n' r)
| _ -> raise Trim_failed) in
let rec delete path tree' =
match path with
| [] -> tree'
| [] -> [],tree'
| x::[] ->
(match tree' with
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Leaf -> [],Leaf
| Node (name, el, sub, l, r) ->
if name > x then Node (name, el, sub, delete path l, r) else
if name < x then Node (name, el, sub, l, delete path r) else
if l = Leaf then r else
if r = Leaf then l else
if name > x then let f,l' = delete path l in f,Node (name, el, sub, l', r) else
if name < x then let f,r' = delete path r in f,Node (name, el, sub, l, r') else
if l = Leaf then flat el sub,r else
if r = Leaf then flat el sub,l else
let m = get_min r in
(match m with
| Node (n', e', s', Leaf, _) -> Node (n', e', s', l, delete [n'] r)
| Node (n', e', s', Leaf, _) -> flat el sub,Node (n', e', s', l, delete_no_flatten n' r)
| _ -> raise Trim_failed))
| y::ys ->
match tree' with
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Leaf -> [],Leaf
| Node (name,el,sub,l,r) ->
if name > y then Node (name, el, sub, delete path l, r) else
if name < y then Node (name, el, sub, l, delete path r) else
Node (name, el, delete ys sub, l, r)
if name > y then let f,l' = delete path l in f,Node (name, el, sub, l', r) else
if name < y then let f,r' = delete path r in f,Node (name, el, sub, l, r') else
let f,sub' = delete ys sub in
f,Node (name, el, sub', l, r)
in delete location tree
17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions src/File_tree.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,24 +20,19 @@ location, if this already exists, [select] compares [element] and the element cu
it then gives back the element which should be at the position. *)

val shortest_path_match :
tree: 'a t ->
tree: 'a t ->
location: string list ->
satisfies: ('a -> bool) -> 'a option
satisfies: ('a -> bool) -> 'a option
(** [shortest_path_match ~tree ~location ~satisfies] starts at the root of [tree] and walks down
towards [location] until an element along [location] in [tree] satisfies the predicate [satisfies], it then
returns this element. If it reaches a leaf before finding a satisfying element [None] is returned. *)

val flatten_under :
tree: 'a t ->
location: string list -> 'a list
(** [flatten_under ~tree ~location] walks down [tree] until it hits [location] and then returns an in order
list of all of the elements at and below [location] in the [tree]. *)

exception Trim_failed
(** Raised if [get_min] behaves unexpectadly during deletion. *)

val trim :
tree: 'a t ->
location: string list -> 'a t
tree: 'a t ->
location: string list -> 'a list * 'a t
(** Walks down to the node at [location] in [tree] and returns the new tree with this node and it's
sub tree removed, but any left and right nodes still remaining. *)
sub tree removed, but any left and right nodes still remaining. The contents of the subtree is flattened
and passed back in a pair. *)
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ let log l ~host ~peer ~service ~path =
File_tree.insert ~element:[peer] ~tree:l ~location:(build_loc host service path) ~select:build_el
~terminate:(fun _ -> fun _ -> false)

let unlog l ~host ~service ~path =
File_tree.trim ~tree:l ~location:(build_loc host service path ())

let find l ~host ~service ~path =
File_tree.flatten_under ~tree:l ~location:(String.split (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s/%s" ( host) service path) ~on:'/')
|> List.fold ~init:[] ~f:List.append
let delog (l:t) ~host ~service ~path =
let peerses,pal = File_tree.trim ~tree:l ~location:(build_loc host service path ()) in
(Core.Std.List.fold ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc -> fun peers -> Core.Std.List.unordered_append peers acc) peerses
|> Core.Std.List.dedup,pal
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/Peer_access_log.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ val log : t -> host:Peer.t -> peer:Peer.t -> service:string -> path:string -> t
(** [log l ~host ~peer ~service ~path] takes the current peer access log and gives back another where it
has been recorded that [peer] requested [path] from [host]'s' [service]. *)

val unlog : t -> host:Peer.t -> service:string -> path:string -> t
val delog : t -> host:Peer.t -> service:string -> path:string -> (Peer.t list * t)
(** [unlog l ~host ~service ~path] is used to remove all log entries at and below [host/service/path]
in the log [l].*)

val find : t -> host:Peer.t -> service:string -> path:string -> Peer.t list
(** [find l ~host ~service ~path] returns a list of [Peer.t] which have accessed [path] or any file below
[path] in [host]'s [service]. *)
in the log [l], returned in a pair with the flattened peers at and below [host/service/path].*)
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -340,18 +340,18 @@ module File_tree_tests = struct
Core.Std.List.fold paths ~init:pal
~f:(fun p -> fun path -> Peer_access_log.log p ~host ~service ~peer ~path) in
Alcotest.(check int) "Checks can get peer back out for path we delete"
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.find pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar2")) 1;
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.delog pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar2" |> fun (ps,log') -> ps)) 1;
Alcotest.(check int) "Checks can get peer back out for left path"
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.find pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar1")) 1;
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.delog pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar1" |> fun (ps,log') -> ps)) 1;
Alcotest.(check int) "Checks can get peer back out for right path"
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.find pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar3")) 1;
let pal'' = Peer_access_log.unlog pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar2" in
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.delog pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar3" |> fun (ps,log') -> ps)) 1;
let _,pal'' = Peer_access_log.delog pal' ~host ~service ~path:"bar2" in
Alcotest.(check int) "Checks cannot get peer back out for path we deleted"
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.find pal'' ~host ~service ~path:"bar2")) 0;
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.delog pal'' ~host ~service ~path:"bar2" |> fun (ps,log') -> ps)) 0;
Alcotest.(check int) "Checks can get peer back out for what is still left path"
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.find pal'' ~host ~service ~path:"bar1")) 1;
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.delog pal'' ~host ~service ~path:"bar1" |> fun (ps,log') -> ps)) 1;
Alcotest.(check int) "Checks can get peer back out for what is now root"
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.find pal'' ~host ~service ~path:"bar3")) 1
(Core.Std.List.length (Peer_access_log.delog pal'' ~host ~service ~path:"bar3" |> fun (ps,log') -> ps)) 1

let tests = [
("Can add Macaroon to Capabilities Service and get it out again", `Quick, read_macaroon_inserted_into_service_can_be_retrieved);
Expand All @@ -369,17 +369,17 @@ module Peer_access_log_tests = struct
let access_inserted_into_log_can_be_retrieved () =
let pal = Peer_access_log.empty in
let pal' = Peer_access_log.log pal ~host ~peer ~service ~path in
match Peer_access_log.find pal' ~host ~service ~path with
| p::[] ->
match Peer_access_log.delog pal' ~host ~service ~path with
| p::[],_ ->
Alcotest.(check string) "Checks the logged peer is the one inserted."
( peer) ( p);
| _ -> "One single peer access should be logged."

let access_inserted_into_log_can_be_retrieved_from_node_above () =
let pal = Peer_access_log.empty in
let pal' = Peer_access_log.log pal ~host ~peer ~service ~path in
match Peer_access_log.find pal' ~host ~service ~path:"dir" with
| p::[] ->
match Peer_access_log.delog pal' ~host ~service ~path:"dir" with
| p::[],_ ->
Alcotest.(check string) "Checks the logged peer is the one inserted."
( peer) ( p);
| _ -> "One single peer access should be logged."
Expand Down

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