Track the pricing of books over time.
Nuxt is used as an integrated solution for the front and back end. The backend, based on Nitro endpoints, requests data from the Influx and Redis database and sends it to the frontend. If another book is to be tracked, a new schedule is inserted via BullMQ. Both the Nuxt application and the worker run using Bun.
The web, worker and proxy container can be scaled as pleased, because of the included "load balancing" of docker network using DNS.
Make sure to install dependencies:
# bun
cp .env.example .env
# now change the values
docker compose up -d
bun install
cd queue
bun install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
# bun
bun run dev
cd queue
bun run worker
Copy both the docker-compose.yml
and .env.example
, change the parameters to your liking and then start the stack:
cp .env.example .env
# now change the values
docker compose --profile prod pull
docker compose --profile prod up -d