- Expressive API
- Highly performant
- No dependencies
- Ability to nest styles
- Auto-detects color support
- Clean and focused
- Actively maintained
- Extremely Lightweight (less than ~270 lines)
- Proper Typing for AutoFill
Roblox Console
-- Run in Roblox Studio Console
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
local LastValue = HttpService.HttpEnabled
HttpService.HttpEnabled = true
local ChalkModule = Instance.new("ModuleScript");
ChalkModule.Name = "Chalk";
ChalkModule.Parent = ReplicatedStorage;
local Request = HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Perthys/chalk/main/source/main.lua";
Method = "GET";
HttpService.HttpEnabled = LastValue
if Request.Success and Request.StatusCode == 200 then
ChalkModule.Source = Request.Body
print("Successfully installed Chalk module. At:", ChalkModule);
error("Failed to install Chalk module.");
chalk = "perthys/chalk@1.0.3"
Blue Text Example
Chalk has a very simple but powerful API
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
local Chalk = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Chalk"));
local TextBox = script.Parent;
TextBox.Text = Chalk.blue('Hello world!')
Multi String Example
Chalk comes with an easy to use composable API where you just chain and nest the styles you want.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
local Chalk = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Chalk"));
local TextBox = script.Parent; TextBox.RichText = true;
local function Update(String) TextBox.Text = String; task.wait(1); end
Update(Chalk.blue("Hello") .. 'World' .. Chalk.red("!"))
Update(Chalk.blue.bold("Hello world!"))
Update(Chalk.blue("Hello", "World!", "Foo", "bar", "biz", "baz"))
Update(Chalk.red("Hello", Chalk.underline("world") .. "!"))
Update(Chalk.green("I am a green line " .. Chalk.blue.underline.bold("with a blue substring") .. " that becomes green again!"))
Update(("CPU: %s \nRAM: %s \nDISK: %s"):format(Chalk.red("90%"), Chalk.green("40%"), Chalk.yellow("70%")))
Update(Chalk.color(123, 45, 67).underline("Underlined reddish color"))
Update(Chalk.color("#DEADED").bold("Bold gray!"))
Theme Creation
Easily define your own themes
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
local Chalk = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Chalk"));
local TextBox = script.Parent; TextBox.RichText = true;
local error = Chalk.bold.red;
local warning = Chalk.color("#FFA500");
local function Update(String) TextBox.Text = String; task.wait(1); end
Take advantage of string substitution:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
local Chalk = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Chalk"));
local TextBox = script.Parent; TextBox.RichText = true;
local function Update(String) TextBox.Text = String; task.wait(1); end
local Name = "Builderman";
Update(Chalk.green(("Hello %s"):format(Name)))
chalk[ ArgumentStyle ] -> (...: StyleArgs) -> chalk(...: string)
chalk[ ModifierStyle ] -> chalk(...: string)
chalk[ ArgumentStyle ] -> (...: StyleArgs) -> chalk[ ArgumentStyle ] -> (...) -> chalk(...: string)
chalk[ ArgumentStyle ] -> (...: StyleArgs) -> chalk[ ModifierStyle ] -> chalk(...: string)
chalk[ ModifierStyle ] -> chalk[ ModifierStyle ] -> chalk(...: string)
chalk[ ModifierStyle ] -> chalk[ ArgumentStyle ] -> (...: StyleArgs) -> chalk(...: string)
Chain styles calls the last Style as a method with a string argument.
Order doesn't matter, and earlier Styles take priority in case of a conflict.
This simply means that chalk.red.yellow.green
is equivalent to chalk.red
- Make the text boldChalk.italic
- Make the text italicChalk.underline
- Underline the textChalk.strikethrough
- Strike through the textChalk.uppercase
- Convert text to uppercaseChalk.smallcaps
- Convert text to small capitals
Chalk.color(Hex) | Chalk.color(R, G, B) | Chalk.color(Color3.new())
- Set the colorChalk.size([<Size>])
- Set the size of the text (Number)Chalk.face([<Face>])
- Set the typeface of the text (String)Chalk.family([<rbxasset://>])
- Set the font family from an asset (String)Chalk.weight([<Weight>])
- Set the font weight (String)Chalk.transparency([<Transparency>])
- Set the transparency of the text (Number 0-1)Chalk.stroke({Color = [<Color>], Joins = [<Joins>], Thickness = [<Thickness>], Transparency = [<Transparency>]})
- Define stroke properties: color (Color3), joins (String), thickness (Number), and transparency (Number)
Color = [<Color>],
Joins = [<Joins>],
Thickness = [<Thickness>],
Transparency = [<Transparency>]
- Set the color to a BrickColorColors
- Set the color to whiteChalk.black
- Set the color to blackChalk.red
- Set the color to redChalk.brown
- Set the color to brownChalk.orange
- Set the color to orangeChalk.yellow
- Set the color to yellowChalk.lime
- Set the color to limeChalk.green
- Set the color to greenChalk.blue
- Set the color to blueChalk.purple
- Set the color to purpleChalk.pink
- Set the color to pink
Chalk supports Color3, 256 RGB, Hex and BrickColor.
Chalk.color('#DEADED').underline('Hello, world!')
Chalk.color(15, 100, 204)
Chalk.color(Color3.fromRGB(100, 255, 255))
The following color models can be used:
- Example:chalk.color(255, 136, 0).bold('Orange!')
- Example:chalk.color('#FF8800').bold('Orange!')
- Example:chalk.color(Color3.fromRGB(255, 136, 0)).bold("Orange")
- Examplechalk["Earth orange"]
I wanted to make the npm package
for roblox luau richtext
because I really did not want to do styling manually.
- ROBLOX PLEASE ENABLE RICH TEXT TO CONSOLE TEXT OBJECTS, you can make a interface with LogService so print/warn/error can still output raw text.
- If roblox adds support for background text color directly with richtext I will also add support.
- If you have any issues or suggestions best way to contact me would be through discord
- Perth |