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Brings InfluxDB in testcontainers-python (until PR #413 is merged). This project is hosted at Thanks to my employer - Purecontrol - for sponsoring the development of this testing utility 🙏

Installation in your project

This package supports versions 1.x and 2.x of InfluxDB. Specify the version you want to use during the installation so that only the needed Python client library will be installed.

  • if you use pip:
# for InfluxDB 1.x versions
pip install "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1]"

# for InfluxDB 2.x versions
pip install "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb2]"

# for both InfluxDB 1.x and 2.x versions (unlikely, but who knows?)
pip install "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1,influxdb2]"
  • if you use poetry:
# for InfluxDB 1.x versions
poetry add "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1]"

# for InfluxDB 2.x versions
poetry add "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb2]"

# for both InfluxDB 1.x and 2.x versions (unlikely, but who knows?)
poetry add "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1,influxdb2]"

Use cases

InfluxDB v1

from influxdb.resultset import ResultSet
from testcontainers_python_influxdb.influxdb1 import InfluxDb1Container

def test_create_and_retrieve_datapoints():
    with InfluxDb1Container("influxdb:1.8") as influxdb1_container:
        influxdb1_client = influxdb1_container.get_client()
        databases = influxdb1_client.get_list_database()
        assert len(databases) == 0, "the InfluxDB container starts with no database at all"

        # creates a database and inserts some datapoints
        databases = influxdb1_client.get_list_database()
        assert len(databases) == 1, "the InfluxDB container now contains one database"
        assert databases[0] == {"name": "testcontainers"}

                {"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-11-30T09:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.42}},
                {"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-12-25T10:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.55}},

        # retrieves the inserted datapoints
        datapoints_set: ResultSet = influxdb1_client.query(
            "select ratio from influxdbcontainer;", database="testcontainers"
        datapoints = list(datapoints_set.get_points())
        assert len(datapoints) == 2, "2 datapoints are retrieved"

        datapoint = datapoints[0]
        assert datapoint["time"] == "1978-11-30T09:30:00Z"
        assert datapoint["ratio"] == 0.42

        datapoint = datapoints[1]
        assert datapoint["time"] == "1978-12-25T10:30:00Z"
        assert datapoint["ratio"] == 0.55

InfluxDB v2

from datetime import datetime
from influxdb_client import Bucket
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS
from testcontainers_python_influxdb.influxdb2 import InfluxDb2Container

def test_create_and_retrieve_datapoints():
    with InfluxDb2Container(
    ) as influxdb2_container:
        influxdb2_client, test_org = influxdb2_container.get_client(token="secret-token", org_name="testcontainers-org")
        assert, "the client can connect to the InfluxDB instance"

        # ensures that the bucket does not exist yet
        buckets_api = influxdb2_client.buckets_api()
        bucket: Bucket = buckets_api.find_bucket_by_name("testcontainers")
        assert bucket is None, "the test bucket does not exist yet"

        # creates a test bucket and insert a point
        buckets_api.create_bucket(bucket_name="testcontainers", org=test_org)
        bucket: Bucket = buckets_api.find_bucket_by_name("testcontainers")
        assert == "testcontainers", "the test bucket now exists"

        write_api = influxdb2_client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)
                {"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-11-30T09:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.42}},
                {"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-12-25T10:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.55}},

        # retrieves the inserted datapoints
        query_api = influxdb2_client.query_api()
        tables = query_api.query('from(bucket: "testcontainers") |> range(start: 1978-11-01T22:00:00Z)', org=test_org)
        results = tables.to_values(["_measurement", "_field", "_time", "_value"])

        assert len(results) == 2, "2 datapoints were retrieved"
        assert results[0] == ["influxdbcontainer", "ratio", datetime.fromisoformat("1978-11-30T09:30:00+00:00"), 0.42]
        assert results[1] == ["influxdbcontainer", "ratio", datetime.fromisoformat("1978-12-25T10:30:00+00:00"), 0.55]



  • install the libraries for 1.x and 2.x clients:
poetry install --all-extras
  • run the automated tests:
# directly with poetry
poetry run pytest -v

Code coverage (with missed branch statements):

poetry run pytest -v --cov=testcontainers_python_influxdb --cov-branch --cov-report term-missing --cov-fail-under 94

Code conventions

The code conventions are described and enforced by pre-commit hooks to maintain style and quality consistency across the code base. The hooks are declared in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

When you contribute, set the git hooks (pre-commit and commit-msg types) on your development environment:

poetry run pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type commit-msg

Before committing, you can check your changes manually with:

# put all your changes in the git staging area (or add the changes manually and skip this)
git add -A

# run all hooks
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

# run a specific hook
poetry run pre-commit run ruff --all-files


Unless stated otherwise, all works are licensed under the Apache 2.0, a copy of which is included here.