Brings InfluxDB in testcontainers-python (until PR #413 is merged). This project is hosted at Thanks to my employer - Purecontrol - for sponsoring the development of this testing utility 🙏
This package supports versions 1.x and 2.x of InfluxDB. Specify the version you want to use during the installation so that only the needed Python client library will be installed.
- if you use
# for InfluxDB 1.x versions
pip install "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1]"
# for InfluxDB 2.x versions
pip install "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb2]"
# for both InfluxDB 1.x and 2.x versions (unlikely, but who knows?)
pip install "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1,influxdb2]"
- if you use
# for InfluxDB 1.x versions
poetry add "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1]"
# for InfluxDB 2.x versions
poetry add "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb2]"
# for both InfluxDB 1.x and 2.x versions (unlikely, but who knows?)
poetry add "testcontainers-python-influxdb[influxdb1,influxdb2]"
from influxdb.resultset import ResultSet
from testcontainers_python_influxdb.influxdb1 import InfluxDb1Container
def test_create_and_retrieve_datapoints():
with InfluxDb1Container("influxdb:1.8") as influxdb1_container:
influxdb1_client = influxdb1_container.get_client()
databases = influxdb1_client.get_list_database()
assert len(databases) == 0, "the InfluxDB container starts with no database at all"
# creates a database and inserts some datapoints
databases = influxdb1_client.get_list_database()
assert len(databases) == 1, "the InfluxDB container now contains one database"
assert databases[0] == {"name": "testcontainers"}
{"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-11-30T09:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.42}},
{"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-12-25T10:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.55}},
# retrieves the inserted datapoints
datapoints_set: ResultSet = influxdb1_client.query(
"select ratio from influxdbcontainer;", database="testcontainers"
datapoints = list(datapoints_set.get_points())
assert len(datapoints) == 2, "2 datapoints are retrieved"
datapoint = datapoints[0]
assert datapoint["time"] == "1978-11-30T09:30:00Z"
assert datapoint["ratio"] == 0.42
datapoint = datapoints[1]
assert datapoint["time"] == "1978-12-25T10:30:00Z"
assert datapoint["ratio"] == 0.55
from datetime import datetime
from influxdb_client import Bucket
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS
from testcontainers_python_influxdb.influxdb2 import InfluxDb2Container
def test_create_and_retrieve_datapoints():
with InfluxDb2Container(
) as influxdb2_container:
influxdb2_client, test_org = influxdb2_container.get_client(token="secret-token", org_name="testcontainers-org")
assert, "the client can connect to the InfluxDB instance"
# ensures that the bucket does not exist yet
buckets_api = influxdb2_client.buckets_api()
bucket: Bucket = buckets_api.find_bucket_by_name("testcontainers")
assert bucket is None, "the test bucket does not exist yet"
# creates a test bucket and insert a point
buckets_api.create_bucket(bucket_name="testcontainers", org=test_org)
bucket: Bucket = buckets_api.find_bucket_by_name("testcontainers")
assert == "testcontainers", "the test bucket now exists"
write_api = influxdb2_client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)
{"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-11-30T09:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.42}},
{"measurement": "influxdbcontainer", "time": "1978-12-25T10:30:00Z", "fields": {"ratio": 0.55}},
# retrieves the inserted datapoints
query_api = influxdb2_client.query_api()
tables = query_api.query('from(bucket: "testcontainers") |> range(start: 1978-11-01T22:00:00Z)', org=test_org)
results = tables.to_values(["_measurement", "_field", "_time", "_value"])
assert len(results) == 2, "2 datapoints were retrieved"
assert results[0] == ["influxdbcontainer", "ratio", datetime.fromisoformat("1978-11-30T09:30:00+00:00"), 0.42]
assert results[1] == ["influxdbcontainer", "ratio", datetime.fromisoformat("1978-12-25T10:30:00+00:00"), 0.55]
- install the libraries for 1.x and 2.x clients:
poetry install --all-extras
- run the automated tests:
# directly with poetry
poetry run pytest -v
Code coverage (with missed branch statements):
poetry run pytest -v --cov=testcontainers_python_influxdb --cov-branch --cov-report term-missing --cov-fail-under 94
The code conventions are described and enforced by pre-commit hooks to maintain style and quality consistency across the code base. The hooks are declared in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file.
When you contribute, set the git hooks (pre-commit and commit-msg types) on your development environment:
poetry run pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type commit-msg
Before committing, you can check your changes manually with:
# put all your changes in the git staging area (or add the changes manually and skip this)
git add -A
# run all hooks
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
# run a specific hook
poetry run pre-commit run ruff --all-files
Unless stated otherwise, all works are licensed under the Apache 2.0, a copy of which is included here.