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Symfony Testing Workshop

Currently Using

  • Symfony ~3.0
  • Behat 3.1
  • PHPUnit 4.8

Installation with Git

Perform these steps in your shell:

git clone
cd symfony-testing
composer install

Sometimes you need to generate a token for Github API, follow this docs:

Installation with ZIP

Download the latest ZIP of the QafooLabs Symfony Testing repository. Unpack it into your workshop and rename the root directory to something less cryptic, for example just "symfony-testing".

Then open your shell and call composer:

cd symfony-testing
composer install

Verify it works

You can use the PHP builtin webserver to safe time configuring Apache or Nginx:

php app/console server:run

Click on the URL it displays to see if the page works. If it does not, please send me an email


Run PHPUnit

php bin/phpunit

Run Behat

php bin/behat

PHPUnit Assertions API

Method Description
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual) Compare two values with PHPs == operator
$this->assertSame($expected, $actual) Compare two values with PHPs === operator
$this->assertContains($haystack, $needle) Check if a string contains substring
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $arrayOrCountable) Check size of array or Countable

Symfony BrowserKit API

Method Description
$client->request($method, $uri) Send a Request, returns a Crawler
$client->getResponse() Access to the last response.
$client->click(Link $link) Go to the page of the passed Link
$client->submit(Form $form) Send form data to page in Form
$client->followRedirects($flag) Follow redirects automatically now
$client->followRedirect() Follow redirect of current response

Symfony Browser Client::request() Parameters

Parameter Description
$method HTTP Method, i.e. GET, PUT
$uri Relative Uri to page including query string
$parameters Array of POST Form Fields (optional)
$files Array of UploadedFile (optional)
$server Array of $_SERVER variables (optional)
$content String of HTTP Request Payload/Body

Symfony DomCrawler API

The Client::request() method returns a Crawler instance with the following methods:

Method Description
$crawler->filter($css) Return a new crawler with nodes matching selector
$crawler->filterXpath($xpath) Return a new crawler with nodes matching XPath
$crawler->html() Return the HTML of all children
$crawler->text() Return the Text of all children (DOM nodeValue)
$crawler->attr($name) Return the attribute value of the first node
$crawler->selectLink($name) Selects links by name or alt value for clickable images.
$crawler->selectButton($name) Selects a button by name or alt value for images.

Mink Session API

Method Description
$session->getPage()->visit($url) Visit the page with given url.
$session->getPage()->getContent() Return response body of last visited page.
$session->getPage()->clickLink($locator) Click Link (will visit page)`
$session->getPage()->pressButton($locator) Press the selected button
$session->getPage()->fillField($locator, $value) Fill input of a form
$session->getPage()->checkField($locator) Check a checkbox
$session->getPage()->uncheckField($locator) Uncheck a checkbox
$session->getPage()->selectFieldOption($locator, $value) Select an option