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Run power_tools_demo.m or power_tools_demo_ls.mlx to get started
- Please visit the Q-Bat and QuickerSim page to learn more about modeling heat transfer in 3-D systems.
This repository shows how to model heat transfer in a power tool’s battery pack in Q-Bat from QuickerSim. The model consists 5 Li-ion cells connected in series, terminals, connectors, holders and casing and is connected to a reduced-order model (ROM) to model heat transfer in 3D geometry.
The model will be simulated under 3 circumstances:
- Normal operation – Current profile consists of 24 reapeted cycles, which simulate screwing in a screw followed by a break. 360 seconds of operation in total.
- Rapid charging – 30 minutes of charging with constant current of 6A.
- Thermal propagation – One cell is heating significantly more due to malfunction. Heat dissipation from a faulty cell will be checked. 30 minutes of operation.