An event manager for scoped environments. Maps global events to one particular instance from multiple options.
For example one might want to map each world related event to their own scope.
class HarmonyTestPlugin @Inject constructor(private val pluginContainer: PluginContainer)
private val eventManager: IHarmonyEventManager<ServerWorld> =
.mapping { e: ChangeBlockEvent.All -> }
.listener(this.pluginContainer, ::Listeners) //The listener is instantiated on scope registration.
private fun onLoadWorld(event: LoadWorldEvent)
private fun onUnloadWorld(event: UnloadWorldEvent)
private class Listeners(private val world: ServerWorld)
//Add scope related variables
private fun onBlockChange(event: ChangeBlockEvent.All, @First player: ServerPlayer)
player.sendMessage(Component.text("You made a block change!"))