Walfas projects and code particularly html5 applications.
the drawwalfas.js can render a walfas DNA in your web applications. Walfas recolor is a webapp built on an edit of the engine. you can try Walfas recolor here: https://rawgit.com/RSGmaker/WalfasStuff/master/WalfasRender/recolor.html
to use drawwalfas.js, you need to reference it:
<script src="https://rawgit.com/RSGmaker/WalfasStuff/master/WalfasRender/drawwalfas.js"> </script>
and make a drawwalfas object: var walfas = new drawwalfas();
then simply render the dna to an image by calling: walfas.imageFromDNA(WalfasDNAstring,Scale,Cropping,isbacksprite) cropping is optional and the image might not be centered anymore if set to true,isbacksprite is optional setting it to true attempts to render the dna as a backsprite. eg;
imageFromDNA("3.39:RSGmaker:100:0:192:324:232:24:0:0:0:1:0:321A00",1.0,false)//1.0 is the same as 100 scale in create.swf
you can also render backgrounds and object using imageFromBackground(background id,scale) and imageFromObject(object id,scale,cropping) respectively.
and thats all there is to it you can look at this if you want: http://jsfiddle.net/yp4n6m7r/11/ in two line of code we can adds an image of a character to an html document
touhou pong uses drawwalfas.js to replace the paddles with any walfas character this way you can try it here: https://rawgit.com/RSGmaker/WalfasStuff/master/WalfasApps/pong/pong.html (press F9 to input walfas dna)