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Language Cloud Powershell Toolkit


The Language Cloud PowerShell Toolkit integrates with Language Cloud enabling users to script and automate actions using the publicly available APIs. The purpose of this toolkit is to automate project creation and retrieve essential resources through the PowerShell console.

For detailed guidance and information on available endpoints, please refer to the API Documentation.

Table of Contents


Getting Started

To run the scripts, ensure you have the following:

  • PowerShell Version 7.4 or Higher
    If you need to install PowerShell 7.4, follow the instructions provided here.

  • Language Cloud License
    Ensure you have access to a Language Cloud account, as the scripts will interact with the Language Cloud API for various operations.


1. Using the MSI Installer

For a quicker and more streamlined installation, you can use the MSI installer. This method automates the entire process, saving you time and ensuring all necessary files are placed in the correct locations.

  1. Download the MSI Installer

  2. Run the MSI Installer

    • Double-click the downloaded MSI file to begin the installation process.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to install the toolkit. The installer will automatically place the necessary scripts and modules in the correct directories.
  3. Verify Installation

    • After the installation is complete, verify that the toolkit has been correctly installed by checking the installation path.

2. Manual Installation

If you prefer to manually install the toolkit, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Files
    • Ensure you have downloaded all necessary files for the toolkit, including the sample roundtrip scripts and PowerShell modules. These files are available at the official releases page. Be sure to download the latest release to ensure you have the most up-to-date version of the toolkit.
    • After downloading, you may need to unblock the zip file. For instructions on how to unblock files, see Ensuring File Permissions for Toolkit Files.
  2. Create Required Folders
    • Create the following folders if they do not already exist:
      • C:\users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell
      • C:\users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell\Modules
  3. Copy Sample Roundtrip Script
    • Copy the Sample_Roundtrip.ps1 scripts into the Powershell folder.
    • Ensure these files are placed directly in C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell.
  4. Copy PowerShell Modules
    • Copy the PowerShell modules into the Modules folder:
      • ...\Powershell\Modules\AuthenticationHelper
      • ...\Powershell\Modules\ResourcesHelper
      • ...\Powershell\Modules\ProjectHelper
      • ...\Powershell\Modules\UsersHelper
      • ...\Powershell\Modules\TerminologyHelper
    • Ensure each module folder contains its respective .psd1 and .psm1 files.
  5. Verify File Locations
    • Confirm the locations of the files:
      • The roundtrip script should be in C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell.
      • Modules should be in C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell\Modules with appropriate subfolders for each module.

Configuring and running the Sample Roundtrip script.

Configuring the Sample Roundtrip

To configure the roundtrip scripts, you need to provide specific authentication details, including the Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID. Follow the steps below to obtain and populate these values.

  1. Retrieve Your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID: For detailed instructions on how to obtain your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID, refer to the Retrieve Your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID section. Follow the steps in that section to gather these values.

  2. Update the Script: After obtaining your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID, update the script with the retrieved values.

        # Define the client ID, client secret, and tenant ID for authentication
        $clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"          # Change this with your actual client ID
        $clientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"  # Change this with your actual client secret
        $lcTenant = "YOUR_TENANT_ID"          # Change this with your actual tenant ID

Running the Sample Roundtrip script.

This section assumes that you have already configured the Sample_Roundtrip.ps1 script and set up your environment as described in the previous sections. To run the script, follow these steps:

  1. Open PowerShell 7.4 or Higher
    • Launch PowerShell 7.4 or a later version.
  2. Set the Execution Policy (If Needed)
    • If you haven’t unblocked the files as described in the Ensuring File Permissions for Toolkit Files section, you may need to set the execution policy to Unrestricted to allow script execution. Execute the following command:
      Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
    • This command permits PowerShell script execution without requiring local Windows admin privileges and should be executed once per machine and user profile. Note: If you have already unblocked the files, setting the execution policy may not be necessary.
  3. Navigate to the Script Location
    • Use the cd command to change your directory to the location where the Sample_Roundtrip.ps1 script is saved:
      cd C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell
  4. Run the Script
    • Execute the script using the following command

Importing and Using PowerShell Modules

Before using the functions provided by the modules, you need to ensure they are correctly imported into your PowerShell session. This section outlines the steps to import the modules based on their availability in your environment.

Importing Modules

  1. Check Module Availability
    • Use the Get-Module command to verify if the required modules are available in your PowerShell environment:
      Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AuthenticationHelper, ProjectHelper, ResourcesHelper, UsersHelper
    • If the modules are listed, they are available in the environment path.
  2. Import Modules from Environment Path
    • If the modules are available in the environment path, you can import them directly by name. For example:
      Import-Module -Name AuthenticationHelper
      Import-Module -Name ProjectHelper 
      Import-Module -Name ResourcesHelper 
      Import-Module -Name UsersHelper 
      Import-Module -Name TerminologyHelper 
  3. Import Modules from Specific Path
    • If the modules are not available in the environment path, you will need to import them from their specific location. Use the full path to the module when importing. For example:
      Import-Module -Name "C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell\Modules\AuthenticationHelper"
      Import-Module -Name "C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell\Modules\ProjectHelper" 
      Import-Module -Name "C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell\Modules\ResourcesHelper"
      Import-Module -Name "C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell\Modules\UsersHelper"
      Import-Module -Name "C:\Users\{your_user_name}\Documents\Powershell\Modules\TerminologyHelper"

Permanently Add the Module Path to $env:PSModulePath

If you want to add the module path permanently so that it remains available across PowerShell sessions and system reboots, follow these steps:

  1. Open PowerShell 7 as Administrator

    • Right-click on the PowerShell 7 icon and select "Run as administrator."
  2. Add the Directory to the Environment Variable

    • Execute the following commands to add your module path to the $env:PSModulePath environment variable:
      $modulePath = "C:\Users\{Your_username}\Documents\Powershell\Modules"
      [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", "$env:PSModulePath;$modulePath", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
    • Replace {Your_username} with your actual username.
  3. Confirm the Path Has Been Added Permanently

    • To verify that the path has been successfully added, run:
    • You should see your new path included in the output.

    Note: If you installed the toolkit using the MSI installer, the installation path should already be automatically added to your environment path, and you won’t need to manually add it.

Using the Modules

Once the modules are imported, you can start using their functions in PowerShell 7. Each module provides specific cmdlets and functions that you can call directly in your session. For example:

  • List available functions in a module:
    Get-Command -Module AuthenticationHelper
  • Run a function from a module:
    Get-AccessKey -id "{your-client-id}" -secret "{your-client-secret}" -lctenant "{your-lctenant}" 
    Replace Get-AccessKey with any cmdlet or function provided by the module you wish to use. Consult the module's documentation or use Get-Help for details on available functions.

Accessing Module Documentation

The toolkit has been documented with Get-Help to provide detailed information on the available cmdlets and functions. Follow these steps to access the documentation:

  1. Ensure Modules Are Loaded

    • Before accessing the help documentation, make sure that the necessary modules are imported into your PowerShell 7 session. You can do this by running:
      Import-Module -Name AuthenticationHelper
      Import-Module -Name ProjectHelper
      Import-Module -Name ResourcesHelper
      Import-Module -Name UsersHelper

    If modules are not in the environment path, use the full path for importing as needed.

  2. Access Documentation

    • Once the modules are loaded, you can use Get-Help to access the documentation for any cmdlet or function provided by the module. For example:
      Get-Help Get-AccessKey
    • Replace Get-AccessKey with the name of the cmdlet or function you want to learn more about.
  3. Explore Additional Help Topics

    • To view a list of available cmdlets and functions in a module, use:
      Get-Command -Module AuthenticationHelper
    • For more detailed information on each cmdlet or function, including examples and parameter descriptions, use:
      Get-Help <Function-Name> -Detailed
      Get-Help <Function-Name> -Examples

By using Get-Help, you can access comprehensive documentation and examples for all the functions available in the toolkit, aiding you in effectively utilizing the provided modules.


The Get-AccessKey function is the starting point of the toolkit. It is responsible for making the request to retrieve the authentication token, using the Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID. Once the token is retrieved, it is converted into a PowerShell object, which can be used for subsequent API calls within the toolkit.

To minimize the number of requests made, the authentication details are stored in a JSON file within the AuthenticationHelper module. If the same tenant and client ID are used, and the token has not expired, the stored details will be reused. Otherwise, the token will be refreshed, and the content in the JSON file will be overwritten.

You can call the Get-AccessKey method with your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID to retrieve the access token. Once the token is retrieved, you can proceed with all other available methods in the toolkit.

For instructions on how to retrieve your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID, refer to the Retrieve Your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID section.

Retrieve Your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID

To integrate with RWS Trados Enterprise, you'll need your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID. Follow these instructions to obtain them:

  1. Retrieve Your Client ID and Client Secret: To obtain your Client ID and Client Secret, follow these instructions:
    • Log in to the RWS Trados Enterprise web UI as a human Administrator user. If you do not have administrator access, contact your administrator for assistance.
    • Expand the account menu in the top right corner and select Integrations.
    • Navigate to the Applications sub-tab.
    • Click on New Application and enter the following information:
      • Name: Enter a unique name for your custom application.
      • (Optional) URL: Enter your custom application URL.
      • (Optional) Description: Enter any relevant details.
      • Service User: Select a service user from the dropdown.
    • Click Add.
    • Back in the Applications sub-tab, select the checkbox corresponding to your application and then click Edit.
    • On the Overall Information page, you can change any of the following if necessary: name, URL, or description.
    • On the WebHooks page:
      • Enter a default callback URL for your application Webhooks (all Webhooks defined in RWS Language Cloud).
      • Enter a value for Webhook URL (this is your Webhook endpoint URL that RWS Language Cloud will call).
      • Select one or more event types and hit Enter. You can create a separate webhook for every event you are interested in or combine notifications for multiple event types into one webhook.
      • Note that if you delete your application, all its associated webhooks will also be deleted.
    • Finally, navigate to the API Access page to retrieve your Client ID and Client Secret.
  2. Retrieve Your Tenant ID:
    • Navigate to the Users section in the RWS Trados Enterprise web UI.
    • Select Manage Account
    • Copy your Trados Account ID. This ID serves as your Tenant ID

Function Documentation

This section provides detailed documentation for the functions included in the PowerShell script modules.

Function Name Description Module
Get-AccessKey Authenticates using the provided client ID, secret, and tenant ID, and returns an object containing the access token and tenant necessary for making API calls. AuthenticationHelper
New-Project Creates a new project ProjectHelper
Get-AllProjects Retrieves all projects. ProjectHelper
Get-Project Retrieves a specifiec project. ProjectHelper
Get-AllProjectTemplates Retrieves all project templates. ResourcesHelper
Get-ProjectTemplate Retrieves a specific project template. ResourcesHelper
New-ProjectTemplate Creates a new project template. ResourcesHelper
Remove-ProjectTemplate Deletes an existing project template. ResourcesHelper
Update-ProjectTemplate Updates an existing project template based on specified configurations. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllTranslationEngines Retrieves all translation engines. ResourcesHelper
Get-TranslationEngine Retrieves a specific translation engine. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllCustomers Retrieves all customers. ResourcesHelper
Get-Customer Retrieves a specific customer. ResourcesHelper
New-Customer Creates a new customer. ResourcesHelper
Remove-Customer Deletes an existing customer. ResourcesHelper
Update-Customer Updates an existing customer. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllWorkflows Retrieves all workflows. ResourcesHelper
Get-Workflow Retrieves a specific workflow. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllPricingModels Retrieves all pricing models. ResourcesHelper
Get-PricingModel Retrieves a specific pricing model. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllScheduleTemplates Retrieves all schedule templates. ResourcesHelper
Get-ScheduleTemplate Retrieves a specific schedule template. ResourcesHelper
Remove-ScheduleTemplate Deletes an existing schedule template. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllFileTypeConfigurations Retrieves all file type configurations. ResourcesHelper
Get-FileTypeConfiguration Retrieves a specific file type configuration. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllLocations Retrieves all locations. ResourcesHelper
Get-Location Retrieves a specific location. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllCustomFields Retrieves all custom fields. ResourcesHelper
Get-CustomField Retrieves a specific custom field. ResourcesHelper
Copy-TranslationMemory Copies an existing translation memory. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllTranslationMemories Retrieves all translation memories. ResourcesHelper
Get-TranslationMemory Retrieves a specific translation memory. ResourcesHelper
New-TranslationMemory Creates a new translation memory. ResourcesHelper
Remove-TranslationMemory Deletes an existing translation memory. ResourcesHelper
Update-TranslationMemory Updates an existing translation memory. ResourcesHelper
Import-TranslationMemory Imports an existing file to an existing translation memory. ResourcesHelper
Export-TranslationMemory Exports translation memory based on the source and target languages. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllTranslationQualityAssessments Retrieves all translation quality assessments. ResourcesHelper
Get-TranslationQualityAssessment Retrieves a specific translation quality assessment. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllLanguageProcessingRules Retrieves all language processing rules. ResourcesHelper
Get-LanguageProcessingRule Retrieves a specific language processing rule. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllFieldTemplates Retrieves all field templates. ResourcesHelper
Get-FieldTemplate Retrieves a specific field template. ResourcesHelper
Get-LanguagePair Maps one source language to multiple target languages for project/TM creation with multiple source-target pairs. ResourcesHelper
Get-AllUsers Retrieves all users. UsersHelper
Get-User Retrieves a specific user. UsersHelper
Get-AllGroups Retrieves all groups. UsersHelper
Get-AllTermbases Retrieves all termbases. TerminologyHelper
Get-Termbase Retrieves a specific termbase. TerminologyHelper
New-Termbase Creates a new termbase. TerminologyHelper
Remove-Termbase Deletes an existing termbase. TerminologyHelper
Update-Termbase Updates an existing termbase. TerminologyHelper
Import-Termbase Imports a termbase from a specified file. TerminologyHelper
Export-Termbase Exports a termbase to a specified file. TerminologyHelper
Get-AllTermbaseTemplates Retrieves all termbase templates. TerminologyHelper
Get-TermbaseTemplate Retrieves a specific termbase template. TerminologyHelper
Remove-TermbaseTemplate Deletes an existing termbase template. TerminologyHelper
New-TermbaseTemplate Creates a new termbase template. TerminologyHelper
Update-TermbaseTemplate Updates an existing termbase template. TerminologyHelper
Get-Field Formats fields for termbase and termbase templates creation/update. TerminologyHelper

Ensuring File Permissions for Toolkit Files

Windows may block files downloaded from the internet for security reasons. To ensure the toolkit functions properly, unblock the downloaded zip file.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Locate the Downloaded File:

  • Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder containing the downloaded file.

Right-Click on the File:

  • Right-click on the file to open the context menu.

Open File Properties:

  • Select "Properties" from the context menu.

Unblock the File:

  • In the Properties dialog, go to the "General" tab.
  • Look for the message: "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer."
  • If this message is present, check the box next to "Unblock."

Apply and Close:

  • Click "Apply" to save the changes.
  • Click "OK" to close the Properties dialog.


If you want to add a new functionality or you spot a bug please fill free to create a pull request with your changes.


If you find an issue you report it here.




  • Added an MSI installer for streamlined toolkit installation.


  • First Implementation of the Language Cloud PowerShell Toolkit
  • Implemented key modules:
    • AuthenticationHelper: Manages authentication and token storage.
    • ProjectHelper: Facilitates project-related operations.
    • ResourcesHelper: Handles resource management tasks.
    • UsersHelper: Supports user-related operations.