Straight out of the box, the current versions of Ghost aren't compatible with Azure App Service. Ghost-Azure resolves this by providing a production-ready template that can be hosted directly on Azure App Service (on Windows).
Note: This project hasn't introduced any changes to the original source code of Ghost.
You can play with the demo web app: Just give it some time to warm up. It runs on the Free plan of Azure App Service and most of the time stays unloaded from memory.
I suggest forking this repository into your own to avoid changes I make to this repository that may negatively impact your installation.
More info on Microsoft Docs
Feedback with improvements and pull requests from the community will be highly appreciated and accepted.
Please open Pull requests only in the Ghost-Release-Uploader repository as commits to Ghost-Azure are fully automated by Azure DevOps Pipelines that merges the original code from with the files needed for Azure App Service.