A jQuery plugin to improve HTML <A> tag.
It is an unobtrusive script that adds useful features to 'A' tags allowing webpages to maintain compatibility with HTML standards. The script syntax is compatible with all HTML / XHTML standards.
For example, you can open link in a new window/tab (like target="_blank") without invalidating the HTML code.
Is JavaScript disabled? No problem, the links will continue to work in the traditional way!
0.8.4 (2014-09-04)
- Fix: class confirm in conjunction with other classes may not work properly
0.8.3 (2014-07-08)
- Fix: the method HideTitle doesn't hide the title attribute correctly
0.8.2 (2014-06-30)
- Fix: error on ajax request when ajax-to param is empty
- Add: event ajaxComplete.aplus
- Add: event ajaxError.aplus
- Add: event ajaxMismatch.aplus
0.8.1 (2014-06-26)
- Fix: attribute title is not hidden in the tags loaded via ajax
0.8.0 (2014-06-24)
- Improved loading script up to 2x
- A+ works now for tags loaded via ajax
- Added control to avoid multiple clicks while loading the popup (class win)
- Add: event ajaxToComplete.aplus
- Add: option win.check
0.7.1 (2014-03-12)
- Add Package Manifest for JQuery Plugin Registry
- Removed unused option
0.7.0 (2014-03-11)
- Add: class ajax
- Add: class ajax-to-value
- Add: class ajax-from-value
- Fix: win class (don't assign correct name)
- Fix: win-center class (The pop-up window was not centered correctly if the browser was not in fullscreen mode)
- Remove: class before-value
- Make JSHint friendly
- Add AMD support
0.6.0 (2013-02-01)
- Add: dialog options
- Add: class win-fullscreen
- Mod: no unbind('click') required to recall jAplus() on same objects
- Mod: optimize code
0.5.1 (2012-12-03)
- Fix: A tag without href generates a script error
0.5.0 (2012-10-16)
- Mod: improved performance
- Add: class self
- Add: class notify
- Add: class notify-life
- Add: class notify-type
- Add: option notify.life
- Add: option notify.type
0.4.2 (2012-09-21)
- Fix: classes 'confirm blank' in conjuction with customType option don't work
0.4.1 (2012-08-10)
- Fix: dialog class don't works
0.4.0 (2012-07-31)
- Add: support for the prefixes
- Add: class disabled
- Add: class print
- Add: class scroll
- Add: option disabledMsg
- Add: option scroll.speed
- Add: option scroll.offsetY
0.3.0 (2012-07-06)
- Add: class before-functionName
- Add: class confirm-mask-element_id
- Add: class dialog
- Add: class dialog-ajax
- Add: class dialog-full
- Add: class dialog-modal
- Add: class dialog-w-value
- Add: class dialog-h-value
- Add: class dialog-l-value
- Add: class dialog-t-value
- Add: class dialog-option-value
- Add: support for the title attribute in conjuction with class dialog
- Add: support to percent values for win-width- and win-height- classes
- Add: mask support
0.2.0 (2012-06-08)
- Add: support for the title attribute in conjuction with class confirm
- Add: class win-center
- Add: class win-fullpage
- Add: class win-width-value
- Add: class win-height-value
- Add: class win-top-value
- Add: class win-left-value
- Add: class win-scrollbars
- Add: class win-toolbar
- Add: class before-value
- Add: option confirmType
- Mod: rename class popup -> win
0.1.0 (2012-06-05) First version