Brackets Extension that formats open HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using js-beautify.
Compatible with Sprint 22 and above.
Search for "Beautify" in Extension Manager, then click on Install
for Beautify by Drew Hamlett.
Download zip and extract into arbitrary directory (or clone source files), then move the folder to the extensions folder (you can open this folder by clicking "Help > Show Extensions Folder" menu).
To edit the options for brackets-beautify, open Brackets > Preferences...
and select the file brackets.json
. In this JSON file you can add the following options to the general section or to a language specific section:
Set to true
to automatically beautify the code before saving a file. The default is to not automatically beautify code upon saving.
Add any js-beautify options to overrule the defaults.
Example brackets.json
exerpt with specific formatting rules for javascript:
"language": {
"javascript": {
"me.drewh.jsbeautify.on_save": true,
"me.drewh.jsbeautify.options": {
"brace_style": "collapse",
"break_chained_methods": false,
"indent_size": 2,
"indent_char": " ",
"indent_level": 0,
"indent_with_tabs": false,
Edit > Beautify
menu or Cmd-Shift-L(Mac) / Ctrl-Shift-L(Win)
You need to supply an absolute path to the sass-convert executble for SASS formatting to work.
- Install SASS Installation website
- Get absolute path to executable
On MacOSX you can go into terminal and type which sass-convert
Since I use rbenv for manageing Ruby versions it gave me this.
If you use system Ruby, when you do sudo gem install sass
your path will be something like /usr/bin/sass-convert
On Windows your path will be something similiar to this.
- Now go open Brackets and go to
Debug > Open Preferences File
It will look something like this.
"useTabChar": false,
"tabSize": 2,
"spaceUnits": 2,
"closeBrackets": true,
"showLineNumbers": true,
"styleActiveLine": false,
"wordWrap": false,
"linting.enabled": true,
"linting.collapsed": false,
"quickview.enabled": true
Now add "beautify.sassConvertPath": "/Users/drewh/.rbenv/shims/sass-convert"
at the bottom. Change the path name to the path all the way to executable. The upcoming version will use me.drewh.jsbeautify.sassConvertPath
as the key.
You will now be able to format scss files.
For windows add "beautify.sassConvertPath": "C:\\Ruby193\\bin\\sass-convert.bat"
For any pull requesets dealing with the actual formatting or the source in beautify-css.js, beautify.js and beautify-html.js, please send to: