Ask Me Anything is a platform built to let you gather questions from your viewers during your stream and let them vote for which are the best questions for you to answer.
Ask me Anything started out in Rocketseat's NLW Together Bootcamp, but since I liked the idea for an Q&A platform I took as a challange to redesign it and its functionalities
Go try it and please let me know if you enjoyed it with a ⭐️, I would appreciate it a lot.
Here you can find the demo link:
✔️ User Sign In/Sign out
✔️ Auth through Firebase
✔️ Create room with title/description
✔️ Users can ask questions and like other users questions
✔️ Room creator can highlight/answer questions
✔️ Use of React hooks and custom hooks
✔️ Responsive layout
✔️ Loading skeleton
- ReactJS
- Typescript
- Styled Components
- Quilljs
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Firebase Hosting and Vercel for the deploy and CI.
- Connect your GitHub account
- Select the project
- In Settings → Environment Variables → Set Environment variables (ie: Firebase configuration).
Before starting 🏁, you need to have Git and Node installed.
# Clone and access the folder
$ git clone && cd ask-me-anything
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Configure your .env.local following the .env.exemple
# Run the web server
$ npm start