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A Julia package for efficiently building and using Probabilistic Circuits. Particularly, RPCircuits.jl implements:

  • Sparse and dense data structures for representing probabilistic circuits
  • Multithread inference routines for likelihood and marginal computation
  • EM and gradient ascent parameter learning
  • Linear-time structure learning for probabilistic circuits

In particular, this repository reproduces the results in "Fast And Accurate Learning of Probabilistic Circuits by Random Projections" and in Chapter 5 of "Scalable Learning of Probabilistic Circuits".

Quick Tutorial

The package is currently not registered in Julia's general registry. To use it, you need to first clone this repository locally, then add the package with its relative path:

add /path/to/RPCircuits.jl

Alternatively, you can use the package without installing by mannually activating its environment. See Installation for more information.

As usual, to use the package add the following line to your Julia program:

using RPCircuits

Manually building circuits

We begin by creating a simple circuit representing the polynomial $$ f(x,y,\bar{x},\bar{y}) = (xy + x\bar{y} + \bar{x}y + \bar{x}\bar{y})/4 $$ over four indicator functions for 0/1-valued variables $X$ and $Y$.

In RPCircuits, variables are represented by integers 1,2,... and their values as floats 0.0, 1.0 (irrespective of the variable being categorical or numerical). To create the above indicator functions, we can use:

julia> x, y, x̄, ȳ = Indicator(1, 1.0), Indicator(2, 1.0), Indicator(1, 0.0), Indicator(2, 0.0)
(indicator 1 1.0, indicator 2 1.0, indicator 1 0.0, indicator 2 0.0)

The Indicator function takes 2 positional arguments and a keyword argument. The first two arguments are: the index (essentially the identifier) of the variable, and the value such that the node outputs true when the variable is set to value. The keyword argument tolerance sets a maximum discrepancy when evaluating the indicator at a given value (its default value is 1e-6.).

To evaluate any node for a given configuration of its input, we use function-like call. For example, to evaluate the indicators on various inputs, we use:

julia> x(1,1), y(0,0), (0,1), ȳ(1,0)
(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Note that the syntax above takes the corresponding value as defined in the creation of the Indicator node. For instance, the call ȳ(1,0) looks at the 2nd argument (0 in this case) and whether it matches the indicator value (0.0 in this case).

Next, we create four product nodes to represent the terms in the polynomial $f$:

julia> P1, P2, P3, P4 = Product([x,y]), Product([x,ȳ]), Product([x̄,y]), Product([x̄,ȳ])
(* 1 2, * 1 2, * 1 2, * 1 2)

The Product function takes a vector v = [v1,..., vn] of nodes as inputs and returns the respective product node.

To finish building our representation of $f$, we create a weighted sum of the four product nodes with uniform weights :

julia> f = Sum([P1,P2,P3,P4], [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25])
Circuit with 9 nodes (1 sum, 4 products, 4 leaves) and 2 variables:
  1 : + 1 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.25 4 0.25
  2 : * 1 2
  3 : * 1 2
  4 : indicator 1 0.0
  5 : * 1 2
  6 : indicator 2 0.0
  7 : * 1 2
  8 : indicator 2 1.0
  9 : indicator 1 1.0

The Sum functions takes two arguments: a vector of nodes (i.e., the children), and a vector of the respective weights.

Learning the parameters of circuits

One of the main purposes of this package is learning of Probabilistic Circuits from data. Parameter learning takes an initial probabilistic circuit and a dataset estimates the weight by maximum likelihood. We illustrate parameter learning with the simple circuit structure we built, but with different weights. To modify the weights, simply change the weights vector of the root (sum) node:

f.weights .= [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]

We will use that circuit as ground truth (the targer distribution) and use it to generate a data sample of size N=1000.

using Random

Random.seed!(42) # Locking seed

# Sample N samples from circuit f
N = 1_000
D = rand(f, N)

We now build a new circuit g whose structure is the same as f but whose weights are set to uniform. Ideally, when learning from the dataset D, we want g's weights to approximate that of f's.

# Let's copy the same structure as f, but set its weights to a uniform
g = copy(f)
g.weights .= 0.25*ones(4)

Now that we have our distribution g, we are ready to fit it to the data D. We'll do this by Expectation-Maximization, maximizing the log-likelihood (or equivalently minimizing the negative log-likelihood, here denoted by NLL).

println("Target model NLL = ", NLL(f, D))
println("Initial circuit NLL = ", NLL(g, D))
L = SEM(g) # Learner with EM algorithm
for i = 1:50
    update(L, D) # Iterations of the EM algorithm
println("Final circuit NLL = ", NLL(g, D))
println("          weights = ", round.(g.weights, digits = 2))
Target model NLL = 1.2905776805822866
Initial circuit NLL = 1.3862943611198644
Final circuit NLL = 1.2891629841331291
          weights = [0.38, 0.32, 0.19, 0.11]


If you're not familiar with Julia's REPL or Pkg, we highly recommend having a look at the linked Julia docs. To install all dependencies,

  1. Install Julia version 1.7.2

  2. Clone this repository

    git clone
  3. Start the Julia REPL using the command julia. Next, switch to package mode by entering the command ]. Your screen should look like

    (@v1.7) pkg>
  4. Within Pkg mode, activate the RPCircuits environment via

    activate /path/to/RPCircuits

    and install all dependencies with

  5. You may then locally install RPCircuits with

    add /path/to/RPCircuits

If step 5 is not taken, you will need to activate the package enviroment every time you start a new Julia session or run a program from shell. To activate the RPCircuits environment from a Julia program add the following to the beggining

using Pkg


If you have any problems installing the BlossomV package dependency, try installing the latest version of gcc and g++ (more info here). Once g++ has been installed, build BlossomV, through build BlossomV within Julia's Pkg mode. Similarly, if you have any problems installing HDF5, MAT or MLDatasets, try building each package one at a time.

Note: If you use an Arch based Linux distribution, you may want to install base devel. In case you run into any other problems Arpack, GaussianMixtures, HDF5, we highly recommend switching to julia-bin via AUR and reinstalling RPCircuits.

How to cite

To acknowledge this package, please cite:

  author = {Renato Lui Geh},
  title  = {Scalable Learning of Probabilistic Circuits},
  school = {University of S{\~{a}}o Paulo},
  type   = {Master's in Computer Science dissertation},
  year   = {2022},
  month  = {April},
  doi    = {10.11606/D.45.2022.tde-23052022-122922},
  url    = {}

   title={Fast And Accurate Learning of Probabilistic Circuits by Random Projections},
   author={Renato Geh and Denis Mau{\'a}},
   booktitle={The 4th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling},


Random Projection Circuits






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