This repository contains a project focused on applying reinforcement learning techniques to simulate combat scenarios in Dungeons&Dragons, unsing Q-learning and DQN.
The project aims to create an intelligent agent that can learn to defeat an enemy in a D&D combat. By leveraging reinforcement learning algorithms, the agents can make decisions to maximize their chances of success in battles.
Credits of background picture here
- agent_interfaces/: Defines the interfaces for different types of agents used in the simulation.
- algorithms/: Contains the implementation of various reinforcement learning algorithms, including Q-learning and DQN.
- combat_actions/: Defines the different actions that agents can perform during combat.
- statistics/: Collects and visualizes data on agents performance and learning progress. Here are located the results of each test and the notebook associated.
- Agent: Defines the agents classes.
- config.yml: Contains the configuration and hyperparameters of the entire simulation.
- DnDEnvironment: Simulates the D&D combat environment where agents interact.
- main: Contains the core of the program logic. Here are located the main loop of episodes and the step function.
- State: Represents the state of the simulation.
Run the main script to start the simulation: