Musify is a web project created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is designed to listen to music for music enthusiasts. I personally have added all my favorite songs of 2024 into the song list so check it out! (you can add yours). The project is hosted on GitHub to showcase web development skills and provide an interactive experience for users. Beginners you can use and modify this code to get hands on experience in html,css, and javascript.
- Feature 1: Interactive UI
- Feature 2: Responsive design
- Feature 3: Dynamic content via JavaScript
- Feature 4: Easy to navigate, clean layout
- Feature 5: User friendly and bug free
- Feature 6: Good for beginners to learn basic html,css, and js
Added additional comments on every block of code for better understanding
- HTML5 - For the structure and content of the page.
- CSS3 - For styling and responsive design.
- JavaScript - For interactivity and dynamic content.
- Install latest version of git.
- Open windows bash shell [Type the following command below]
- git clone [change directory]
- cd Musify-web-app-for-music
- code . [open the folder in VS code]