This Project does what it says on the tin. Wrap web apps natively for osx or windows <3
npm install websitewrapper -g
You need to pass three things into it.
- -u or --url : The url of the website you want to create the shortcut for.
- -t or --title : The title of the website.
- -i or --icon: The icon (its full path) you want pass (To convert images to icns visit iconverticons )
It will then create a folder called build on your desktop. Everything is in there now.
websitewrapper -url -title Google -icon /Users/robertjgabriel/desktop/icon.icn
This will cretae a default package
npm test
var websitewrapper = require('websitewrapper'),
- OSX 64 bit
- Windows 64 bit (Windows 7 + )
As you can see stupid project really but a nice on all the same.