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Brian Jackson edited this page Aug 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

Getting Started

The basic workflow when using TrajectoryOptimization.jl is as follows:

  1. Create a Model
  2. Create an Objective
  3. Create a Solver
  4. Solve
  5. Analyze Results

The following sections cover each of these step in greater detail

1. Create a Model

The TrajectoryOptimization.Model type contains the dynamics model to be used in the optimization problem. In can be created using any of the following methods:

  • User-created Julia function: Simply create a function of the following form xdot = f(x,u) or the in-place version f!(xdot,x,u) (recommended). Then simply create the model by specifying the number of controls and states: model = Model(f,n,m)

  • URDF file: Create a model

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