HouseSim is a Discord bot designed to simulate a house environment. Each room in the house corresponds to a Discord text and voice channel. Users can move between these rooms and interact with the environment.
- Voice Channel Monitoring: Detects when a user moves between voice channels (rooms).
- Text Commands: Users can send commands in text channels to perform actions like moving between rooms or checking their location
- Server Initialization: Provides commands to set up the server with required roles and channels based on a JSON configuration
- Dynamic Loading: The bot's "house" environment can be loaded dynamically from a JSON file.
- Logging: Logs events like user movements, command usage, etc. Installation & Setup:
- Token: The bot token should be stored in a token.txt file in the root directory.
- Dependencies: This bot uses the library. Install it using pip: pip install
- Configuration: The house structure is loaded from a JSON file named house.json Modify this file to customize the house layout.
- $test: To test if the bot is responsive.
- $loadserver: Load the server structure from the JSON file.
- $initserver [ID]: Initialize the server structure based on the JSON file. The ID is currently hardcoded.
- $location: Check your current location (room).
- $move [room]: Move to a specified room.
- $entergame: Join the game. Players will start at the doorstep. $knock: Under construction.
- loadJson: Loads the house configuration from a given JSON file. UnderConstruction: Sends a message back which tells the user the command is currently under construction.
- joinGame: Adds a player to the game by giving them the "In doorstep" role.
- initHouse: Creates all required roles and text chats for the house based on the JSON configuration.
- clean: Remove all "In" roles and channels. Useful for server cleanup. Debug: Dumps debugging information about roles, channels, and house configuration.
Execute the Python script to start the bot. Ensure the Discord bot token is available in token.txt and the required dependencies are installed. Note: This bot alters server roles and channels based on commands. Ensure you're okay with these modifications before running or use a test server. Disclaimer: Some functions are commented out and some features are under construction, further development may be required to achieve full functionality.