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RxController is a library for the development with MVVM-C based on RxFlow and RxSwift. If you are not familiar with them, please learn these frameworks at first:

RxController provides the the following basic view controller and view model classes.

  • RxViewController
  • RxViewModel

These classes make it easy to transfer data among the flows, the parent view models and the child view models.

Demo applications

The following 2 open source apps based on RxController are prepared to make it easier for understanding this library.

Recommended guideline

We recommend to develop a MMVM-C based on RxController, RxFlow and RxSwift in this guideline. It is better to read the documentation of RxController, RxFlow and RxSwift at first, if you are not familiar with them.


RxController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'RxController'


The example app helps you to understand how to use RxController. To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Generic class of View Controller

RxController provides a generic classes RxViewController. It avoids using an Optional or an Implicit Unwrapping Option type for the view model property in the view controller class.

In the demo app, we define the view model class by extending the RxViewModel class, and the view controller class by extending the RxViewController generic class.

// View model class
class InfoViewModel: RxViewModel {


// View controller class
class InfoViewController: RxViewController<InfoViewModel> {


Then, we can initialize the InfoViewController with a safe way as the following.

func navigate(to step: Step) -> FlowContributors {
    guard let appStep = step as? AppStep else {
        return .none
    switch appStep {
    case .start:
        let infoViewController = InfoViewController(viewModel: InfoViewModel())
        navigationController.pushViewController(infoViewController, animated: false)
        return .viewController(infoViewController)

Within RxViewController, the following standard methods are provided for building UI and binding data.

  • open func subviews() -> [UIView]

The subview method return an array of some views. These views will be added to the root view of the view controller orderly.

  • open func createConstraints()

Create constranint for subviews of root view.

  • open func bind() -> [Disposable]

The bind method return an array of Disposable. The RxSwift style data binding can be listed in this method, without writting a disposed(by:) method.

Access lifecycle from view model directly

The following lifecycle signal can be accessed from view model directly.

  • viewDidLoad: Observable<Void>
  • viewWillAppear: Observable<Void>
  • viewDidAppear: Observable<Void>
  • viewWillDisappear: Observable<Void>
  • viewIsAppearing: Observable`
  • viewDidDisappear: Observable<Void>
  • viewDidLayoutSubview: Observable<Void>
  • viewWillLayoutSubviews: Observable<Void>
  • viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange: Observable<Void>

Exchange data among parent and child view models

In a standard MVVM-C architecture using RxFlow, view models exchange data via a flow class using the steps.accept() method. With RxChildViewModel, we can exchange data among parent and child view models without the flow class.

Use the following method to add a child view controller to the root view or a customized view of its parent controller.

 Add a child view controller to the root view of the parent view controller.

 @param childController: a child view controller.
override open func addChild(_ childController: UIViewController)

 Add a child view controller to the a container view of the parent view controller.
 The edges of the child view controller is same as the container view by default.
 @param childController: a child view controller.
 @param containerView: a container view of childController.
open func addChild(_ childController: UIViewController, to containerView: UIView)

To transfer data among view models, we define some events with a struct in the parent view model.

struct InfoEvent {
    static let name = RxControllerEvent.identifier()
    static let number = RxControllerEvent.identifier()


As shown in the graph, the events can only be transfered among a parent view model and its first generation child view models. For example, the InfoEvent we defined above, is enabled among InfoViewModel, NameViewModel and NumberViewModel.

Send a event from the parent view model (InfoViewModel ).


Send a event from the child view model (NameViewModel and NumberViewModel).


Receive a event in the parent view model (InfoViewModel ).

var name: Observable<String?> {
    return events.value(of:

Receive a event in the child view model (NameViewModel and NumberViewModel).

var name: Observable<String?> {
    return parentEvents.value(of:

Pay attention to that subscribing the RxControllerEvent in the init method of the view model is not effective. It necessary to subscribe or bind the RxControllerEvent in the prepareForParentEvents methods.

override func prepareForParentEvents() {
    // Subscribe an event.
    parentEvents.unwrappedValue(of: ParentEvent.sample, type: EventData.self).subscribe(onNext: { 
        // ...
    }.disposed(by: disposeBag))

    // Bind an event or a parent event to a relay directly.
    bindParentEvents(to: data, with: ParentEvent.sample)

    // Bind an observable type to an event or a parent event directly.
    bindToEvent(from: data, with: Event.sample)


Event router in the view model

In the graph above, if an event needs to be transfered from InfoViewModel to FirstNameViewModel, the mid view model NameViewModel should be used as a router to forward data. To simply the data forwarding in the router view model, the forward methods are provided in the RxViewModel.

// Forward a parent event to an event
func forward(parentEvent: ,toEvent:)

// Forward a parent event to an event with a `flatMapLatest` closure
func forward(parentEvent: ,toEvent: ,flatMapLatest:)

// Forward an event to a parent event
func forward(toEvent: ,parentEvent:)

// Forward an event to a parent event with a `flatMapLatest` closure
func forward(toEvent: ,parentEvent: ,flatMapLatest:)

Send a step to the flow from a child view model

In a general way, the method steps.accpet() of RxFlow cannot be revoked from a child view model, because we didn't return the instances of the child view controller and child view model in the navigate(to) method of a flow.

With RxController, it is able to send a step to the flow from a child view model directly.



RxController provides a command line tool rxtree to print the relationship among flows and view controllers, just like using the tree command.

➜  ./rxtree MainFlow
├── ProjectFlow
│   ├── RequestFlow
│   │   ├── AddProjectViewController
│   │   ├── RequestViewController
│   │   ├── ResultViewController
│   │   ├── SaveToProjectViewController
│   ├── ProjectIntroductionViewController
│   ├── ProjectNameViewController
│   ├── ProjectViewController
│   ├── ProjectsViewController
├── RequestFlow
│   ├── AddProjectViewController
│   ├── RequestViewController
│   ├── ResultViewController
│   ├── SaveToProjectViewController
├── SettingsFlow
│   ├── IPAddressViewController
│   ├── PingViewController
│   ├── SettingsViewController
│   ├── WhoisViewController
├── AddProjectViewController

Install RxTree with CocoaPods

rxtree relays on the design of RxController. Once RxController updated, the old version of rxtree may be noneffective. For this reason, it is recommend to be installed with post_install of CocoaPods.

post_install do |installer|
  system("bash #{Pathname(installer.sandbox.root)}/RxController/rxtree/")

Once pod install or pod update is executed, the corresponding version of rxtree will be installed at the same time.

Use RxTree

The executed file rxtree will be copied to the root directory of the project. A root node which can be a subclass of Flow or a subclass of RxViewController must be selected as the root of the tree.

./rxtree MainFlow

To prevent recustion calling, the default max levels of rxtree is 10. It means that only 10 levels of flows and view controllers will be listed by default. To change the value of max levels, use the paramter maxLevels.

./rxtree MainFlow --maxLevels 5




RxController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.