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PSGSuite v2.22.2

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@scrthq scrthq released this 15 Jan 18:28



  • Issue #144
    • Updated: Start-GSDriveFileUpload to Dispose() open streams once uploads are completed.
    • Added: Stop-GSDriveFileUpload to enable cleanup of any remaining open streams.
    • Updated: Get-GSDriveFileUpload to Dispose() any completed streams that are still open.


IMPORTANT: You MUST have the module 'Configuration' installed as a prerequisite! Installing the module from the repo source or the release page does not automatically install dependencies!!

  1. Click here to download the file attached to the release.
  2. If on Windows: Right-click the downloaded zip, select Properties, then unblock the file.

    This is to prevent having to unblock each file individually after unzipping.

  3. Unzip the archive.
  4. (Optional) Place the module folder somewhere in your PSModulePath.

    You can view the paths listed by running the environment variable $env:PSModulePath

  5. Import the module, using the full path to the PSD1 file in place of PSGSuite if the unzipped module folder is not in your PSModulePath:
    # In $env:PSModulePath
    Import-Module PSGSuite
    # Otherwise, provide the path to the manifest:
    Import-Module -Path C:\MyPSModules\PSGSuite\2.22.2\PSGSuite.psd1