A party hall has 4 fans and 4 lights, for every 50 secs 1 fans should get turned on and for next 50 secs 1 light should get turned on this should continue repeatedly. Upon occurrence of an interrupts transfer serially "PARTY". Write 8051 microcontroller program to demonstrate the same.
Sl No | Component Used | Specification | Quantity |
i. | 8051 Microcontroller | AT89C51 | 1 |
ii. | Crystal Oscillator | 11.0592 MHz | 1 |
iii. | Electrolytic Capacitor | 47 uF | 1 |
iv. | Ceramic Capacitor | 33uF | 2 |
v. | Resistors | 10k ohms | 1 |
vi. | Resistors | 470 ohms | 4 |
vii. | Button | Push Button | 1 |
viii. | LED | Red, Blue, Green, Yellow | 1 each |
ix. | DC Motor | +12 V | 4 |
x. | DC Motor Driver | L293D | 2 |