Version 2.1.6
- Change the color scheme in the pie charts and the bar graphs of the results. Use Red only for wrong answers
Readme *
- 09/24/2012 *
- Java
- Apache
- Router
Basic settings
- upzip
- There are two folders: Application and SMILE
- Application: Executable java file which runs by clicking this file.
- SMILE: Put this directory under "~/apache/htdocs/"
- Setting the directory both Apache and PHP (conf file and php.ini). After setting php, restart apache.
- Make sure that firewall is turned off.
- Make sure that the setting "hide extention" is unckecked. If it is checked, uncheck it.
- Run it
- Connect the laptop or netbook to local network (i.e. PocketSchool)
- Click the executable file (SMILE_Server.jar) in the Application