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Commerce Storefront Sample Application · CircleCI

This repo has been archived and is no longer in development. Please see for using Salesforce Commerce APIs to build a headless shopping experience

Our storefront sample application shows how you can build amazing commerce experiences with the latest Commerce platform technologies. The sample application helps developers get started by proving out a clear path to successfully build a storefront using our latest platform technologies, such as the Salesforce Commerce API and the Salesforce Commerce Node.js SDK.

The sample application shows an example implementation of some basic storefront use cases. The implementation helps development teams quickly understand how to use our latest platform technologies and begin their own journey of building commerce experiences. It contains examples for the homepage, product list page, product detail page, and cart. While this sample application demonstrates some of the Salesforce and Commerce Cloud technologies, it’s provided as a purely educational and instructional demonstration and not as a fully functional deployable reference storefront.

The application back end is built on the new Salesforce Commerce API (a RESTful headless API). The front end is built with Lightning Web Components (LWC). In between, it uses GraphQL and the Salesforce Commerce Node.js SDK. Read more about the sample application architecture.

Have more questions? See the Sample Application FAQ.


  1. Download and install Node.js v12.
  2. Install yarn: npm install yarn -g


To set up the sample application:

  1. Clone the sfcc-sample-apps repository: git clone

  2. Change into the sfcc-sample-apps folder: cd sfcc-sample-apps

  3. Copy the api.example.js file located at /packages/storefront-lwc/app/, save it as api.js, and make sure api.js is added to your .gitignore file.

  4. In the api.js file, provide values for the following variables:

COMMERCE_CLIENT_API_SITE_IDUnique site ID (for example, RefArch or SiteGenesis).
COMMERCE_CLIENT_CLIENT_IDUnique ID used exclusively for API access. See Add a Client API for more information.
COMMERCE_CLIENT_REALM_IDUnique four-character realm ID (for example, bblx).
COMMERCE_CLIENT_INSTANCE_IDUnique instance ID within a realm (for example, 015 for an on-demand sandbox).
COMMERCE_CLIENT_SHORT_CODEUnique region-specific merchant ID (for example, staging-001).
COMMERCE_SESSION_SECRETUnique ID for session management (for example, thisisasecretkey).
COMMERCE_CORSOptionally enable CORS for GraphQL on the defined domains (for example, enable all domains with "\*").

Note: You can obtain these values from your Account Executive (AE) or Customer Support Manager (CSM), except for COMMERCE_SESSSION_SECRET, which is an arbitrary unique value that you create yourself. If the COMMERCE_SESSION_SECRET key is not unique per customer application, session information can be unintentionally shared between ecommerce sites.

  1. Install dependencies: yarn

  2. Build the sample application: yarn build

  3. Start the sample application: yarn start:dev (development mode) or yarn start (production mode)

  4. To access the application, open the browser to http://localhost:3000

You can optionally test the sample application: yarn test


We recommend Visual Studio Code inbuilt debugger to troubleshoot the code. The .vscode launch configuration is included in the repo. To debug using VSCode, see VS Code Debugging.


  • You can change the logging levels by modifying the COMMERCE_LOG_LEVEL property in api.js. The supported log levels are:
    • TRACE
    • DEBUG
    • INFO
    • WARN
    • ERROR
    • SILENT
  • You can also change the server listening port by changing the port property in sfcc-sample-apps/packages/storefront-lwc/scripts/runtime.js.

Learn More About Supporting Technologies

Library of Components

The sample app currently includes the following components:


Note: As of 06/30/20, the integration branch has been removed from the sfcc-sample-apps repository. We recommend that you delete your local integration branch, if you have one.