A command line app that can retrieve prices of specified products from any Shopify store without requiring authorization
Requires the HTTParty Ruby gem
$ gem install httparty
To run the app
$ ruby app.rb
URLs of shopify stores
This is an example of a url input for a shopify store:
Enter a valid shopify store url: http://shopicruit.myshopify.com
This is another example of a url input for a shopify store:
Enter a valid shopify store url: http://raredevice.net/
This is the response for above inputs:
200 OK
Bad URLs
Program will continue to prompt for a shopify store url until one is provided. This is an example of a bad url:
Enter a valid shopify store url: http-blah-blah
Rescued #<Errno::ECONREFUSED: Failed to open TCP connection to :80 (Connection refused - connect(2) for nil port 80)>
Enter a valid shopify store url:
This is an example of entering a url that does not exist:
Enter a valid shopify store url: https://www.amazon.ca/products
404 Not Found
Enter a valid shopify store url:
Valid non-shopify store URLs
This is an example of a valid url that does not belong to a shopify store:
Enter a valid shopify store url: https://github.com/
Enter a valid shopify store url:
If a valid shopify store url was entered, program will prompt for the number of products to find info on:
Number of products you want info on: 2
NOTE: make sure to enter product types exactly as they are listed in their Shopify store.
Subsequently, user will be prompted to enter the names of the product types. Program will continue to prompt for name of a product type until a string consisting of all letters plus spaces is entered.
These are two product categories from the Shopify store, shopicruit:
Product 1: Watch
Product 2: Clock
These are two product categories from the Shopify store, raredevice:
Product 1: Kids
Product 2: Living
After user has entered the names of the product types to find info on, program will display a message indicating that the results are being processed:
Won't be long...
This is an example of a result on products for type Clock and Watch from the Shopify store, shopicruit:
drum roll...
This Shopify store contains:
8 products for type Clock worth $1556.4
5 products for type Watch worth $734.34
Total price of these products: $2290.74
This is an example of a result on products for type Kids and Living from the Shopify store, raredevice:
drum roll...
This Shopify store contains:
42 products for type Kids worth $2754.24
176 products for type Living worth $26509.13
Total price of these products: $29263.37