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Releases: SamusAranX/ControlLauncher

Control Launcher v1.2.3

26 May 16:54
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This release fixes a UI bug where the proper fonts would only be displayed from the second launch onwards.

As with the previous releases, extract this into Control's game directory and rename the executable to Control.exe if you use Steam or other launchers.

Control Launcher v1.2.2

29 Dec 08:44
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New features:

  • XInput controller navigation
  • About window with version number and acknowledgements
  • Automated extraction of the Akzidenz Grotesk font from Control's game files in order to apply it to the UI

If you want this launcher to replace the original one, simply replace Control.exe with this one.

Control Launcher v1.1

25 Jan 18:02
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New features:

  • Improved text rendering
  • Added minimize and close buttons in the upper right corner of the window

Control Launcher v1.0

13 Jan 23:16
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Move Control.exe to the game's folder and replace the original file to use this launcher.