"# ImageScaler" /****************************************************** README : ImageScale Author : SANKHA RAY Date : 01-May-2016 ********************************************************/
1. lpng1621
2. zlib-1.2.8
3. Visual Studio 2010
The application takes a png image and scales it to destination png image.
Application uses Bilinear interpolation and Trilinear filtering to perform image scaling
Usage: app_name.exe <input.png> <scaleX> <scaleY> <output.png>
e.g> ImageScale.exe cat.png 2.50 2.50 cat_out.png // Upscale
ImageScale.exe cat.png 0.75 0.75 cat_out.png // Downscale
Design Document is available at Docs\Design.docx
1. Untar the source packet (ImageScale.7z) using 7-zip or relevant software.
2. Goto Source/lpng1621/projects/vstudio Directory.
3. Open Solution File vstudio.sln using Visual Studio 2010
4. Build the Solution (It will also build libpng and zlib as per build dependencies)
5. After successful build, executable should be generated at Source/ImageScale/Executable/ImageScale.exe
Prebuilt executable program is available under Prebuilt_Prgram_Executable directory for quick reference.
Goto the directory in cmd prompt and check usage to execute the program exe
Sample input image data is available at Source\data
Execute the Binary using Ctrl + F5 or F5 in Visual Studio 2010 after successful build.
Notes: Copy libpng16.dll at same directory (Executable)
Alternately, Source/ImageScale/Executable/ImageScale.exe can be executed outside Visual Studio
1. Copy data(images) to Source/ImageScale/Executable/
2. Copy libpng16.dll at same directory(Debug)
4. Execute ImageScale.exe
Usage: See Desciption