- Overview
- Features 🌟
- File Structure 📁
- Technologies Used 🛠️
- Getting Started 🚀
- Usage 📘
- Algorithm Details 🔍
- Contributions 🤝
- License 📄
- Acknowledgements 🙏
Pathfinder Visualizer is an interactive web application that demonstrates various pathfinding algorithms in a visual format. This project allows users to see how algorithms explore paths and find the shortest route between points on a grid. The visualizer provides an intuitive way to understand complex algorithms like Dijkstra's, A*, Breadth-First Search (BFS), and Depth-First Search (DFS).
- Interactive Grid Interface: Users can create walls, set start and end points, and watch as algorithms find the shortest path.
- Multiple Pathfinding Algorithms:
- Dijkstra's Algorithm: The shortest path algorithm with weighted edges.
- A* Algorithm: Optimized pathfinding using heuristics.
- BFS: Explores the shortest path in an unweighted grid.
- DFS: Explores as far as possible before backtracking.
- Maze Generation Algorithms:
- Recursive Division: Creates mazes with recursive sub-division.
- Binary Tree: Simple and fast maze generation.
- Horizontal & Vertical Division: Creates structured mazes.
- Customizable Speed: Adjust the speed of the pathfinding visualization.
- Responsive Design: Works seamlessly on desktop and mobile devices.
- Built with Modern Technologies: React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS for styling.
|-- public/ # Public assets for the application
| |-- vite.svg # Vite logo
|-- src/ # Main source code
| |-- assets/ # Static assets used in the project
| | |-- react.svg # React logo
| |
| |-- components/ # React components for the UI
| | |-- Grid.tsx # Main grid component
| | |-- Nav.tsx # Navigation bar component
| | |-- PlayButton.tsx # Play button for starting visualization
| | |-- Select.tsx # Dropdown select component
| | |-- Tile.tsx # Tile component representing grid cells
| |
| |-- context/ # Context for global state management
| | |-- PathfindingContext.tsx # Context for pathfinding algorithm state
| | |-- SpeedContext.tsx # Context for speed settings
| | |-- TitleContext.tsx # Context for title management
| |
| |-- hooks/ # Custom React hooks
| | |-- usePathfinding.tsx # Hook for pathfinding logic
| | |-- useSpeed.tsx # Hook for speed control
| | |-- useTile.tsx # Hook for tile operations
| |
| |-- lib/ # Library for algorithm implementations
| | |-- algorithms/
| | |-- maze/ # Maze generation algorithms
| | | |-- binaryTree.ts # Binary tree maze algorithm
| | | |-- horizontalDivision.ts # Horizontal division maze algorithm
| | | |-- recursiveDivision.ts # Recursive division algorithm
| | | |-- verticalDivision.ts # Vertical division maze algorithm
| | |
| | |-- pathfinding/ # Pathfinding algorithms
| | |-- aStar.ts # A* algorithm
| | |-- bfs.ts # Breadth-First Search algorithm
| | |-- dfs.ts # Depth-First Search algorithm
| | |-- dijkstra.ts # Dijkstra's algorithm
| |
| |-- utils/ # Utility functions for various tasks
| |-- animatePath.ts # Function for animating the path traversal
| |-- constants.ts # Constants used in the application
| |-- constructBorder.ts # Constructs the grid border
| |-- createWall.ts # Function to create walls on the grid
| |-- destroyWall.ts # Function to remove walls from the grid
| |-- getUntraversedNeighbours.ts # Helper to get unvisited neighbors
| |-- helpers.ts # Miscellaneous helper functions
| |-- heuristics.ts # Heuristic functions for algorithms
| |-- isInQueue.ts # Checks if a node is in the queue
| |-- resetGrid.ts # Resets the grid to its initial state
| |-- runMazeAlgorithm.ts # Executes selected maze algorithm
| |-- runPathfindingAlgorithm.ts # Executes selected pathfinding algorithm
| |-- types.ts # Type definitions used across the app
|-- App.tsx # Main app component
|-- index.css # Global CSS styling
|-- main.tsx # Main entry point for React
|-- vite-env.d.ts # Vite environment type declaration
|-- .eslintrc.cjs # ESLint configuration for code linting
|-- .gitignore # Files and directories to ignore in Git
|-- LICENSE # License for the project
|-- README.md # Project description and instructions
|-- index.html # Main HTML template
|-- package-lock.json # Lockfile for npm dependencies
|-- package.json # Project metadata and npm scripts
|-- postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration
|-- tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
|-- tsconfig.app.json # TypeScript configuration for the app
|-- tsconfig.json # Base TypeScript configuration
|-- tsconfig.node.json # TypeScript config for Node environment
|-- vite.config.ts # Vite configuration file
Technology | Purpose |
React | Building the user interface |
TypeScript | Ensuring type safety and improved development |
Tailwind CSS | Providing efficient, customizable styling |
Vite | Modern and fast development environment |
Follow these steps to run the project locally:
- Node.js (version 14.x or above recommended)
- npm or yarn
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/pathfinder-visualizer.git cd pathfinder-visualizer
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and go to
to view the app.
- Place the Start and End Points: Click on the grid to set the start and end nodes.
- Create Walls: Click and drag on the grid to create walls that the algorithms must navigate around.
- Select an Algorithm: Use the dropdown to choose a pathfinding or maze generation algorithm.
- Run the Visualization: Click the play button to watch the algorithm in action.
- Adjust Speed: Use the provided controls to change the visualization speed.
- Dijkstra's Algorithm: Finds the shortest path in weighted graphs; guaranteed to find the shortest path.
- A* Algorithm: Utilizes heuristics to speed up pathfinding while ensuring the shortest path.
- BFS (Breadth-First Search): Explores all nodes level by level; optimal for unweighted grids.
- DFS (Depth-First Search): Explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking; not optimal for shortest paths.
- Recursive Division: Creates complex mazes using a recursive approach.
- Binary Tree: Simple method for generating basic mazes.
- Horizontal & Vertical Division: Structured maze creation with controllable complexity.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs, have suggestions, or want to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Special thanks to the developers and educators who inspired this project and the pathfinding and maze algorithms research community.
Happy Pathfinding! 🌟