YouTube Mate is an app allow users to create and share YouTube watchlists
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Table of Contents
YouTubeMate is a full stack project will allow users to create & edit watch lists of YouTube channels. You can also watch videos of your favourite channels.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Install a package manager e.g npm, yarn, pnpm, bun etc.
Download or clone my repository
git clone
Then, install the project dependencies:
npm install
You can follow the contribution guidelines to proceed
Add Logo
Page Transitions
Add Icon Library
- Put Icons on all Action Buttons
List Create / Edit Page
- detect changes in form
- Prevent navigation if unsaved changes
- Disable update / save button if no changes
List permissions / auth
- Private lists can only be viewed by the creator
List Page
- Access list via slug
- Share list / copy URL to clipboard
- Previous / Next Buttons
- Infinite scroll / pagination / lazy loading
- On video end, play next video
- Loop back to beginning if we reach the end
- List Sort / Filters
- Views
- Newest / Oldest
- Likes
- Random / Feeling Lucky
- Toggle
- Shorts
- Videos
- Live-streams
- Duration
- Min
- Max
- Toggle Channels in List
- Show 1 video from each channel at a time...
- Channel cache refresh button
- Show last updated time / cache time for each channel
Landing Page / Features
- Max number of lists per user
- Max number of channels per list
Users can favorite a list
Show favorited lists on user dashboard
Fork an existing list
Public user profile page
- Show public lists
User Preferences
- Volume
- Video Speed
- Autoplay
Message Queue
- Seperate Service that receives requests for Cacheing
- Calls YT API, updates cache
- SvelteKit app -> put messages into the queue requesting caching
- Seperate Service that receives requests for Cacheing
Message Queues
- Explore:
- Redis
- pub / sub
- flags
- Redis
- Explore:
Analytics Service
Error Reporting
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy
Firefox tab navigation
Redirect to homepage on logout
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
- List create UX
- Only show channel avatar
- Small remove button
- Tooltip with channel name
- Desktop styles - 2 column
- Channel adder is on the right
- Only show channel avatar
- YouTube Embed API
- parse timestamps in description, link changes timestamp in video
- Home Page List
- List actions
- View
- Edit
- List actions
- Fix scroll position on page change
- Video view page
- expandable description box
- Render description with markdown
- Containerize tests
- More integration tests
- Run tests / containers while dev containers are still running
- Seed DB with unique users for each type of test
- TODO: make a watch specific config
- Watch for only test updates
- Tests:
- Search for YT channels
- Add YT channel to List
- Create List
- View List
- View individual List
- Coverage Reports
- Generate outside container (volume)
- Navigating Lists
- Edit List
- Make sure $LL is being run in tests...
- Svelte stores highlighted red??
- .env.test does not exist on CI server...
- Remove test ids in Prod build
- Update contributing guide...
- Running tests in watch mode...
- Debugging tests in watch mode...
- Exporting data to be seeded for tests
- Update readme with tech stack
- Deploy
- Database
- Free Tier
- Serverless / Edge Function Support...
- Connection Pooling
- Railway
- Supabase
- Render
- ElephantSQL
- Serverless / Edge Function Support...
- Paid
- Heroku
- Free Tier
- App - Vercel
- Database
- Testing todos:
- Fix tests on CI
- Docker / prisma test setup
- Configure e2e tests
- Seed DB
- Generate user token during test (do not do oauth flow during test...)
- Anything else that comes up...
- Fix tests on CI
- Create page form styles
- Channel card styles
- Update the List page styles
- Update DB schema
- Last updated
- More metadata
- Include Channel Image
- Include Channel handle
- Number of subscribers
- Verified badges
- More robust YT API Response
- Lazy load embedded video and thumbnails
- Cache YT API Response
- Get ALL videos of each channel
- Get ALL video info of each video
- View Count
- Length / Duration
- Like Count
- Fix YT Video order (latest by default...)
- List Page Styles
- Fix video titles
- Single Video Page
- Wireframe create list page
- Create list page
- Set title
- Set Description
- Eslint / Airbnb / Prettier Setup...
- Setup i18n
- Research options
- Install / setup
- Use dictionaries on landing page
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
You can follow the contribution guidelines( to contribute. We have issue templates for bug and feature requests.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Sedat Uygur - @sedat-can-uygur -
Project Link: