This is a complete package that captures and displays the provenance of different notebook extensions, download the provenance information in RDF and displays the provenance difference of several executions of each notebook cell. provenancebook provides extensions to capture and display the provenance of each notebook cell. It also shows the difference between the provenance of two executions of a notebook cell. Every cell is extended with a provenance area with a slider. The provenance area shows the history of the execution of each code cells. As you move the slider, you could see the start and end time of each execution, how long it took to execute, the number of runs, the source and output of each execution. It also shows the provenance of text cells where it shows the the modified time and the source. ProvBook provides three features:
- provbook : Displays the provenance of a Jupyter Notebook.
- notebook_rdf Convert Jupyter Notebooks to RDF and the converted RDF back to Jupyter Notebooks.
- provenancebookdiff Displays the difference in the provenance of two executions of a Jupyter Notebook code cell along with the input and the output.
ProvBook: Provenance-based Semantic Enrichment of Interactive Notebooks for Reproducibility, Sheeba Samuel and Birgitta König-Ries, The 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2018 Demo Track
Prerequisite Jupyter Notebook
Installation steps of Jupyter Notebook can be found here
Installation of ProvBook
git clone
The provbook extension displays the extension of the Jupyter Notebook.
sudo pip install provenancebook/
The notebook_rdf : Convert Jupyter Notebooks to RDF and the converted RDF back to Jupyter Notebooks
This utility converts Jupyter Notebooks to RDF. This is a command line utility which takes a notebook as input and generates RDF Turtle file. The RDF is generated using the REPRODUCE-ME ontology extended from W3C standard PROV-O and the P-Plan ontology. The RDF generated from the notebook can be converted back to a Jupyter Notebook. The notebook can be downloaded as RDF from the Notebook interface.
Convert your notebook to RDF
python3.5 notebook_rdf your_notebook.ipynb
python3.5 notebook_rdf --from notebook your_notebook.ipynb --to RDF
Convert your RDF to notebook
python3.5 notebook_rdf notebook_rdf.ttl
python3.5 notebook_rdf --from RDF notebook_rdf.ttl --to notebook
The provenance of a code cell. The screenshot shows the toolbar button for the displaying the provenance of selected or all cells. The Provenance Menu. A user can toggle the provenance display for a selected cell from Cell -> Provenance -> Toggle visibility (selected). A user can clear the provenance data from the metadata of the notebook from Cell -> Provenance -> Clear (all). The notebook can be downloaded as RDF from the File Menu -> Download as -> RDF (.ttl).
provenancebookdiff : Displays the difference in the provenance of two executions of a Jupyter Notebook code cell along with the input and the output. The provenancebookdiff is based on the nbdime. It extends the nbdime and calls the API from nbdime to see the difference between the provenance of each execution of a notebook code cell.
The extensions work with Jupyter 5.x.
The provenance is stored in the metadata of the notebook. Every time a code cell is executed, a new entry 'provenance' is added to the metadata of the code cell. The start and end time of the execution is added with the time it took to execute. The source and the output obtained from executing the cell is added to the metadata so that it can be shared with other collaborators to verify the output. The provenancebook differencing is based on the nbdime provided by Jupyter Notebook Development team.