- Orange County, CA
- https://shmakov.net
kroger-cli Public
Clip coupons and earn points at Kroger-owned grocery chains
ci-phpunit-test Public
Forked from kenjis/ci-phpunit-testAn easier way to use PHPUnit with CodeIgniter 3.x.
PHP MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2021 -
Honeypot Public archive
Low interaction honeypot that displays real time attacks
puppeteer Public
Forked from puppeteer/puppeteerHeadless Chrome Node.js API
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 26, 2020 -
EExcelView Public
Forked from sheershoff/EExcelViewYii extension which provides replacement of CGridView with support of export to different types.
PHP UpdatedMar 24, 2020 -
yii2-sentry Public
Forked from notamedia/yii2-sentrySentry logger for Yii2
PHP MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2020 -
Rick-and-Morty-Characters Public
Rick and Morty Characters Timeline
markdown_readme Public
Forked from fefong/markdown_readmeMarkdown - you can mark up titles, lists, tables, etc., in a much cleaner, readable and accurate way if you do it with HTML.
UpdatedOct 13, 2019 -
lando Public
Forked from lando/landoYou look absolutely beautiful!
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 2, 2019 -
hello-world Public
Forked from leachim6/hello-worldHello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution instructions!
Assembly MIT License UpdatedJun 4, 2018 -
jQuery-Morse-Code-Input Public
Morse Code Input jQuery Plugin :)