How to Clone a GitHub Repository and Run it in VScode Step by Step:
- Open in VS Code:
- Open the cloned folder in VS Code (File > Open Folder...).
- Install Dependencies (if any):
- Open a new terminal in VS Code.
- Install dependencies: (npm install)
- Run the Project:
- Follow project instructions ( npm run dev ).
- Clone and run quickly.
server site repo:
Website creation tools:
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- Firebase
- react Helmet
- react Ratings.js
- react Stripe
- react-tanstack
- axios.js
- moment.js
- react-hook-form
- react-icons
- react-parallax
- react-responsive-carousel
- react-simple-captcha
- react-tabs
- react-toastify
- recharts.js
- swiper.js