Comp IDE is my effort to create a very basic ide which can be useful for competitive coding. Here’s a short demo:
All the Input is internally linked to be passed into the executing program. And all the output of the program is internally sent to the output buffer, resulting in a seamless coding experience, IMO.
(use-package comp-ide
:straight (comp-ide :type git :fetcher github :repo "" :files (:defaults))
(comp-ide-auto-execute-on-compile t)
(require 'comp-ide-recipes)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'prog-mode-map (kbd "\\i") comp-ide-command-map)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'comp-ide-slave-mode-map (kbd "\\i") comp-ide-command-map)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'prog-mode-map (kbd "\\ti") 'comp-ide)
("C-c t i" . comp-ide)
(:map comp-ide-command-map
("s" . comp-ide-goto-shell)
("c" . comp-ide-comp-ide-compile)
("e" . comp-ide-comp-ide-execute)
("l" . comp-ide-goto-input)
("k" . comp-ide-goto-output)
("h" . comp-ide-goto-code))
:commands comp-ide)
- [ ] Customizable Execute and Compile Recipes
- [ ] A different shell depending on what language is being used
- [ ] Errors
- [ ] C
- [ ] C++
- [ ] Ruby
- [ ] Java
- [ ] Python
- [ ] Clojure
- [ ] Rust
- [ ] Php
- [ ] Haskell
- [ ] Perl
- [ ] Javascript