Guess I'm joining the club as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This project follows the approach of using a bare git repo
to manage all config files. No symlinks or copying of files required. Another benefit of a bare repo is that it does not create a .git
folder and therefore does not interfere with any other git projects in the home directory. More info can be found in this Atlassian blog post.
A Git alias (config
) is used to manage all configuration files from the
directory. By default all files which were not explicitly added are not
shown in the config status
Ansible is used to install the required software in a modular way.
git clone --bare ~/.cfg
# Alternative If no ssh key is present yet
git clone --bare ~/.cfg
# Initial config alias setup
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
# Setup the configuration files from this repo
config checkout
# Install all the required software for your use case (remove unneeded tags)
cd dotfiles-ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts dotfiles.yml --ask-become-pass --tags=shell,vim,desktop
# Ansible will setup zsh as the default shell. Do a re-log to make sure the correct configs are sourced
# Install tmux plugins
<prefix> + I # (Captial I)
Updates are done through the config
alias. (Just like any git project)
config add -p
config commit -m "update"
config push
- VSCode settings and extensions are managed in a separate gist using the Settings Sync Extension.
- Theme for WSLtty / Mintty: