This repository is a template to get you started as quickly and easy as possible! This repository is built to have per regression test one Automation scriput that consumes the QAPortalAPI NuGet package.
- Follow the steps described at: Creating a repository from a template
- While creating the new repository, take into account the GitHub Repository Guidelines described in the DataMiner Docs.
- Suggested Naming Convention: {customerAcronym}-AS-RegressionTests
- Add/Change the license according to what is aggreed with the customer
- Add Github repository topics: dataminer-automation-script, dataminer-regression-test
- In GitHub Actions, change your workflow:
- Change SonarCloudProjectName to a new Sonar Project, by registering your project here:
- Search your GitHub repository
- Configure project with GitHub Actions
- You will be presented your SONAR_TOKEN
- Note! When specifying this information and commit the changes, your GitHub Action will run and link/register it to SonarCloud. The GitHub Action will fail because of this, but feel free to rerun your GitHub action and it should be working.
- Add Secrets in the GitHub settings of your repository (SONAR_TOKEN, DATAMINER_DEPLOY_KEY)
- DATAMINER_DEPLOY_KEY can be created for you on admin.dataminer.service if your system is connected to (This repository only includes CI, so the key is not used for deploying the artificat). Important: This is required at this moment to get the GitHub Action to work.
- Change SonarCloudProjectName to a new Sonar Project, by registering your project here:
- Clone your repository onto your local machine
- Open the AutomationScript.sln Visual Studio Solution
- Rebuild the solution to register correctly all pre-installed NuGet packages
- Change the constant values dependent on your project/customer at: Library\Consts\TestInfoConsts.cs
- The 'Contact' field must be your squad or domain e-mail. This field is only used for apointing the test to the right squad or domain. The QAPortal can be configured to notify your on regression test reports.
- The Project IDs is typically the project where you are working on delivering a solution. If it's for testing purpose, please specify the M&S project of the customer.
- There is an Automation Script automatically added
- RT_Customer_MyFirstRegressionTest: This is your first regression test script. In the script you should change the TestName, TestDescription and add all test cases that want to test. A test case is typically a dedicated class file stored in the the TestCases folder of your project. Here you define the actual test logic.
- Rename the Automation Script (Customer should have the right abbreviation)
- Required: Change Script XML file : DMSScript.Name tag
- Optional: Rename VS Project
- Optional: Rename Script XML file
- Optional: Rename CS file
- Optional: Edit afterwards the csproj and sln files of your repository (search all)
- Implement your test in the Execute method of your testcase!
- Deploy your test + Configure C:\Skyline DataMiner\QAPortal\QaPortalConfiguration.json
- An example can be found under this repository Documentation/Examples/QaPortalConfiguration.json
- The ClientID and API key will be provided by the contact at Skyline Communications by registering the External Cluster on our internal QAPortal
- The Path is dependent on how you want to post results
- Internal system
- API = http://qaportal.skyline.local/api/public/results/addresult
- e-mail = (note: SMTP settings have to be added in DataMiner.xml)
- External system
- API =
- e-mail = (note: SMTP settings have to be added in DataMiner.xml)
- Internal system
- Makes sure to include a NuGet package through PackageReference. This is already configured in this template, so nothing to change.
- A Shared Project Library is used to use the same code accross multiple VS Projects (= Regression Tests = Automation Scripts).
- Don't forget to configure C:\Skyline DataMiner\QAPortal\QaPortalConfiguration.json (See How to get started).
Following use cases are currently automatically tested:
Please use a table as shown below to document the different test cases.
Name | Description |
Test 1 | My first test |
Test 2 | My second test |