This reference application includes an ST Schema Cloud-to-Cloud (C2C) connector, an OAuth2 server for authenticating from the SmartThings mobile app, and a web UI for creating, deleting and controlling devices.
The app uses the st-schema SDK, the express web server, EJS, and the Knockout UI library. It's configured to be deployed to Amazon Web Services using the Serverless framework. Deploying the app will create the necessary AWS resources including a DynamoDB table for storing devices, Lambda functions for the web server and ST Schema connector, and an API Gateway endpoint updating the Web UI using a web socket connection.
The app allows users to create a number of virtual devices including switches, dimmers, tunable white bulbs, color bulbs, motions sensors, and open/close sensors.
- NodeJS 18.x or later installed
- An Amazon Web Services account
- The AWS CLI installed and configured
- The Serverless framework installed
- A Samsung account
- The SmartThings CLI installed
- The SmartThings mobile app (available from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store)
- lib -- Example third party app classes
- Account.js -- Account domain object and password management
- connector.js -- The ST Schema connector
- db.js -- Reading and writing of devices and access tokens to DynamoDB
- device-service.js -- Proactive state callbacks
- mapping.js -- Mappings between ST Schema and the external representation of devices
- websockets.js -- Functions for sending device updates to the web UI
- public -- Static web server files
- images -- images for use in web pages
- javascript
- devices.js -- View model object for a device
- devices.js -- Initializes the devices page and view model
- devicesviewmodel.js -- Top level view model for the page
- oauth.js -- Initializes the OAuth page
- property.js -- View model object for a device property
- stylesheets
- routes -- Web application controllers
- devices.js -- Handles web-based device CRUD and control operations
- index.js -- Home page and web UI login
- oauth -- Handles login and OAuth authorization for ST mobile app
- schema -- ST Schema endpoint
- views
- devices
- index.ejs -- The devices page
- oauth
- invalidauth.js -- Invalid authorization error page
- login.js -- The OAuth login page rendered in the SmartThings app
- error.ejs -- Web app error page
- index.ejs -- Web app landing page with a link to the devices web page
- login.ejs -- Web app login page
- devices
- handler.js -- Defines the Lambda functions
- package.json -- NPM package definition
- serverless.yml -- Serverless framework configuration
- serverless-env.js -- Customized serverless environment variables
- serverless-env-example.yml -- Example serverless environment variables
Clone this repository and change to the root directory of the project.
git clone xxx
cd xxx
Copy the serverless-env-example.yml
file to serverless-env.yml
cp serverless-env-example.yml serverless-env.yml
Install the NPM modules.
npm install
Install the serverless framework if you have not already done so.
npm install -g serverless
Deploy the application to AWS with the verbose option set to see the output from the serverless framework. You only need to use the verbose option the first time you deploy the application, so that you can see the ARN of the schema connector Lambda function.
serverless deploy
The serverless framework will print out the websocket endpoint and the URL of the deployed application and the ARNs of the Lambda functions. For example:
connect: st-schema-serverless-example-dev-connect (7 MB)
disconnect: st-schema-serverless-example-dev-disconnect (7 MB)
schema: st-schema-serverless-example-dev-schema (7 MB)
website: st-schema-serverless-example-dev-website (7 MB)
Stack Outputs:
SchemaLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:st-schema-serverless-example-dev-schema:5
DisconnectLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:st-schema-serverless-example-dev-disconnect:36
ConnectLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:st-schema-serverless-example-dev-connect:36
WebsiteLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:st-schema-serverless-example-dev-website:36
ServiceEndpointWebsocket: wss://
ServerlessDeploymentBucketName: st-schema-serverless-exa-serverlessdeploymentbuck-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Edit your serverless-env.yml
file and set the API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT
values from the wss endpoint printed out
by the serverless framework (without the wss://
). For example:
dev: ""
Give SmartThings permission to invoke your schema
Lambda function using the ARN from the serverless
framework output, minus the trailing version number. You can do this with the SmartThings CLI:
smartthings schema:authorize arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:st-schema-serverless-example-dev-schema
Or you can do it with the AWS CLI:
aws lambda add-permission \
--function-name arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:st-schema-serverless-example-dev-schema \
--statement-id smartthings \
--action lambda:InvokeFunction \
--principal 906037444270
To create a connector using the SmartThings CLI, first install the CLI. If you have not yet logged into your
Samsung account in the CLI, you will be prompted to do so when running the CLI commands below.
Copy the following information into a JSON file, for example myapp.json
. Replace the values with your own.
"appName": "ST Schema Serverless Example",
"partnerName": "ST Schema Serverless Example",
"schemaType": "st-schema",
"oAuthClientId": "a4a278fd-0ac1-47d9-b93a-987e3f401015",
"oAuthClientSecret": "830c120e-a791-453c-94b7-302fea58a823",
"oAuthAuthorizationUrl": "",
"oAuthTokenUrl": "",
"hostingType": "lambda",
"lambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:st-schema-serverless-example-dev-schema",
"userEmail": ""
Then create the connector using the CLI:
smartthings schema:create -i myapp.json
The CLI will print out the client ID and client secret values. Copy these into the ST_CLIENT_ID
entries in the serverless-env.yml
serverless deploy
Visit the website URL (
) and click the Get Started link.
Enter an email address and password and click Create New Account. Once you are signed in, click the
Create your first device link to create a device. You can create more devices, delete devices, and log
out using the [...] menu at the top of the page.
This web application represents a partner device application. The email and password do not need to be the same as your Samsung account (and the password should generally not be the same, for best security practices). The application only interacts with SmartThings after you have installed an ST Schema connector.
Install the SmartThings mobile app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, log in with the same email address and password used for your developer workspace account, and create a location if you have not already done so.
Next, use the CLI to create a SmartThings Schema invitation for your new integration:
$ smartthings invites:schema:create
The CLI will step you through the invitation creation process and generate an Accept URL
. Visit the Accept URL
to install your integration to a location associated with your Samsung account. After completing the invitation
acceptance process, your integration should now be visible from the SmartThings app when logged in with your Samsung account.
SmartThings Schema invitations allow you
to invite other users to test your Schema integration.
When you are ready to distribute your Connector to internal testers,
you can use invitations to test and iterate your Connector with other users without
needing to publish to the SmartThings catalog.
Learn more about invitations on our developer documentation portal.
After installing your connector, you should see your devices in the SmartThings mobile app. You can control them from the mobile app and from the web application. The status should be updated in both places.
Each device in the mobile app has a button on the dashboard page that controls the main capability of the device. You can control switches and trigger sensors using this button. If you tap on the device tile to the left of the button you will see a device detail page that lets you see and control all capabilities of the device.