Pantomime is a simple to use, zero-dependency, straight-forward, C++17 library for work with mime-types.
- With FetchContent
include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(pantomime GIT_REPOSITORY "") FetchContent_MakeAvailable(pantomime) target_link_libraries(<target> soundux::pantomime)
- As Git-Submodule
$ git submodule add
add_subdirectory(pantomime) target_link_libraries(<target> soundux::pantomime)
auto mime = pantomime::mime::from("test.mp4").value(); // or pantomime::mime::get("video/mp4");
assert(mime.type == "video");
assert(mime.sub_type == "mp4");
assert(mime.compressible.value() == false);
Pantomime is based on mime-db
Our logo was generated by DALL-E