The adaptor is a Python-based web application microservice designed to expand or customize the functionality of the Spyderisk System Modeller (also known as "SSM"). It utilizes the Spyderisk REST API and runs on FastAPI.
The Adaptor is about 50,000 lines of Python code, and is always at risk of falling behind the latest API changes in the Spyderisk System Modeller.
The default configuration of the SSM-Adaptor can be customized through the
'.env_adaptor' file. To get started, please make a copy of the provided
file and rename it to .env_adaptor
. Then, you can
modify any of the default parameters in the .env_adaptor
file to match your
specific environment configuration.
There are several ways to deploy the SSM-Adaptor service:
This deployment relies on an external Spyderisk service.
Edit .env_adaptor
file and adjust the SSM_URL variable with a valid SSM
service URL.
Run the service
docker compose -f docker-compose-standalone.yml --env-file .env_adaptor up -d
The SSM-Adaptor endpoint will be listening on port 17643
This deployment includes a local instance of Spyderisk. Configuration parameters are stored in .env_adaptor.
Run the service:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml --env-file .env_adaptor up -d
The adaptor service will be accessible from
, and the SSM service from
port 8089/system-modeller.
This deployment includes a local instance of Spyderisk. Configuration parameters are stored in .env_adaptor. The host folder is mounted via the volume ./code directly to the adaptor container.
Run the service:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml --env-file .env_adaptor up -d
The adaptor service will be accessible from
, and the SSM service from
port 8089/system-modeller.
Check the adaptor container logs with:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml --env-file .env_adaptor logs -f ssm-adaptor
The adapter container can be restarted at any point to incorporate code changes made in the host folder, e.g.
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml --env-file .env_adaptor restart ssm-adaptor
Build docker image:
docker build -t ssm-adaptor .
The core of the microservice code is common to serve both FogProtect and
ProTego. Edit .env_adaptor
and define the environment variable SSM_URL
your SSM service, mainly:
PROJECT_NAME=SSM Adaptor Microservice
variable controls the exposed microservice API and
takes the following values:
The names Protego and FogProtect refer to specific EU projects that also funded some Spyderisk development.
The current deployment of the microservice is based on the FastAPI Framework which is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.8+ based on standard Python type hints.
The main reasons for migrating the microservice code to FastAPI were modularity and asynchronous non-blocking call support.
The main components are:
the main microservice FastAPI codessm_api_client
python client library for the Spyderisk APIopenapi
openapi json docstest
various test code/scripts/examples
├── app
│ ├── api
│ ├── core
│ ├── crud
│ ├── db
│ ├──
│ ├── models
│ └── ssm
├── docker-compose.yml
├── docker-compose-dev.yml
├── docker-compose-standalone.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── openapi
│ └── ssm
├── requirements.txt
├── ssm_api_client
│ ├── api
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── models
│ └──
└── tests
API endpointscore
Core functionality, e.g. configurationcrud
CRUD functionality to support endpointsdb
Mongo DB connection supportmodels
models to handle data json structures and db collectionsssm
SSM client class, and background tasks support, e.g. algorithms
external SSM API Client level. No need to change code in ssm_api_client unless the SSM API is changed. Other API's client libraries, e.g. kafka, should be included in this layer.
SSMClient layer, this is a wrapper class around the SSM API Client library, it provides generic functionality that is required by the microservice API operations, e.g.
, etc. -
Tasks foreground and background are the main methods that implement the SSM-Adaptor functionality, e.g.
mitigation algorithm
, orcalc_risk
Top level Router methods that start the execution path of a request and correspond to the API endpoints. API requests servicing should be handled by foreground and background tasks.
The actual request serving should be executed by a task/job in either blocking or non blocking way. The lifecycle of a task involves the following stages:
- CREATED, created upon incoming requests
- ACCEPTED, session lock acquired
- REJECTED, e.g. failed to acquire a session lock
The job status model:
"modelId": "string",
"status": "CREATED",
"err_msg": "string",
"created_at": "2021-05-19T14:25:08.517Z",
"updated_at": "2021-05-19T14:25:08.517Z",
"messages": "string",
"id": "string"
Execution paths should include try and catch blocks to handle exceptions.
Background tasks should raise an exception. Blocking API tasks should raise an
, which will terminate the thread serving the request. In both
cases, an update of the job status to "FAILED" should be executed before
raising an exception.
A basic session locking mechanism is introduced, the main idea is that each task that operates with an SSM model call has to acquire a lock first. Failing to acquire the lock, the task should return a HTTP 423 error code.
Locks are allocated per SSM model webkey, i.e. each model has its own lock.
A task, or foreground/background job should be registered first as CREATED
and then will try to acquire the model lock, failing to do so the task status
should be changed to REJECTED
and raise an HTTPException HTTP_423_LOCKED.
The key attributes of a lock object are:
- model ID
- task job ID
- status [
There are two main methods:
- acquire_session_lock()
- release_session_lock()
How it can be applied:
vjob = await create_vjob(db, {"modelId": modelId})
if not vjob:
raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,
detail="Failed to create calc-risk job")
vjob_id = str("calc risk job {vjob}, {vjob_id}")
# acquire session lock
lock_acquired = await acquire_session_lock(db, vjob_id)
if not lock_acquired:
# update status of job as REJECTED
await update_status(db, vjob_id, "REJECTED")
raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_423_LOCKED,
detail="Resource is locked by another process, try again later.")
await release_session_lock(db, vjob_id)
Generate SSM client library stubs with OpenAPI
As prerequisites java
and npm
are required, e.g.
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo apt-get install openjk-18-jre-headless
Then continue with the installation of the openapi-generator:
# install the latest version of "openapi-generator-cli"
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -g
# install a specific version of "openapi-generator-cli"
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli@cli-4.3.1 -g
# Or install it as dev-dependency in your node.js projects
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -D
create a config.json
"modelPackage": "models",
"apiPackage": "api",
"packageName": "ssm_api_client"
Before generating the client library the derived openapi yaml file requires few minor adaptations. Use an editor and change the following:
- date-time types should be converted to
and the type should beint64
- references to
should be converted toaLabel
There is a tool in tools/
that can apply those changes
After editing the YAML file, generate the client code using the following line:
mkdir client
openapi-generator generate -i openapi.yaml -g python -o client/ -c config.json
Edit generated code and add the ssm_api_client
prefix in the following files
- ssm_api_client/
- ssm_api_clinet/api/
Alternatively use a bash script in tools/
to apply those
e.g. tools/ ssm_api_client
The software is Copyright 2023 University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
CSV files used for alert mappings are provided to you with licenses which can be found within app/static/mappings. As a quick summary the licenses for each file are:
- cwec.csv - Non-exclusive, royalty-free for research, development, and commercial purposes
- wasc.csv - CC-BY 2.5
- capec.csv - Non-exclusive, royalty-free for research, development, and commercial purposes
- owasp_top10_2010.csv - CC-BY-SA 3.0