Plugins? nah, we cover you Recreating all EssentialsX commands and popular Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugins on this mod. adding a powerful API and administration items
- Fix a lot of MemoryLeaks like MemoryLeakFix mod but IN FORGE (read incompatibilities section).
- Provides a Lazy API to interact with Forge Registries and other mods APIs (Luckperms included)
- Randomly fix a lot of little issues from other mods.
- Adds a MixinTrace in your crash reports (port wrapped of CraftyCrashes and MixinTrace)
- Change language or mipmap level no stun the game.
- Some no editable widgets are now compatible with FancyMenu
WIP: Replicated PlaceholderAPI(I am doing a different mod for it)
- Economy Items
- Admin Tool items (Ban hammer, Extra potions, Lightning wand)
- Modify the Players name format
- Customize chat format (With or without Luckperms)
- Customize players Join and Leave format
- Adds 3 dimensions for administrative uses
- Add a lobby/spawn dimension (void)
- LuckPerms support
/broadcast <message>
|| Broadcast to all player in your server using text format/broadcast-raw <message>
|| Broadcast to all players in your server without prefix and using text format/setlobbyspawn
|| Set your current position as respawn position/setworldspawn
|| Set your current position as first worldspawn position/watercore <spawn | lobby>
|| Go to lobby (void) dimension/watercore back
|| Go back to other player's last position
|| Go to current spawn/back [number]
|| Go back to your last position
- SimpleLogin incompatibility with FANCYMENU
- Saturn (My mod do the same)
- Corail Tombstone (No support)
- FTB Ranks (breaks our chat format and player name format)
- VMP-Forge (only with WATERCoRE 1.3 and below)
- MemoryLeakFix (My mod do the same)
No, I no C&P MemoryLeakFix code or wrap my own port here. Before they release a forge version I ask if can I make a port of the mod using the same name and keep the same code (just porting stuff), and the owner says no, because forge maybe fix leaks, so I made my own fixes in forge. But currently they release a Forge version... and no, I don't want to delete all my hard work because they release a forge version...
WATERCoRE do the same leak fixes for 1.18.2, if you have WATERCoRE you don't need that mod
- This mod is developed by ReplicatedStudios in association with WATERMiNE
- Need support for: Mod safe and trusts, Developer Contributor, Pull Request, API Access. Join to my Discord
- This mod will be ported to Fabric when reach the highest potential (3.x.x)
- I only give partial support to Arclight and Magma servers (no other forge variations)
- Is no planned to add a Vanish command (uses Vanish Mod instead)
- Suggested (and accepted) features aren't warranted to be added
- Configuration files are located in your world folder (world/serverconfig)
- For developers: Go to Wiki :)
- No allowed respost of the mod
- No planned/wanted support for Quilt (just fabric)